Cubing adventures, first haircut, trip report!

Day 0 is here! This trip is myself and DS 9, and my first trip as an AP!

Short trip to get my fix, May 14 arrival, May 19 departure.

First time staying at beach club! DS has become obsessed with solving Rubik’s cubes, so we have a solid distraction while waiting in lines. Definitely will be on the look out for Disney themed cubes.

While I sit here timing his solves…

If anyone wants to make his day and like his video: (

There’s a whole make a wish group here at the terminal, I think multiple families, with people setting up balloons and signs for them. It is so special, I’m smiling and a bit misty eyed. Update: 10 wish families!!! The organizers are amazing.

On this trip, I hope to have my hair cut at harmony barber shop. First cut since August 2020, when I shaved it for chemo. Reservation for second last day, if I can get up the nerve and not be too emotional.

Hopefully next update will be smooth activation of AP and early room check in. Alarm is set to try for GOTG at 7am.


Hooray! Safe travels!

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Best wishes for safe and smooth travels. Enjoy your time with DS!!



Saw your post over on the lines app. DS morning routine was so funny! Safe travels and enjoy this time with DS. Mine will be 26 soon. It goes by fast :cry:


Have a great trip.


Have a fantastic trip! Perhaps you’ll run into another liner to make DS think you’re an internet celebrity again!


So much to love here! I tried cubing during Covid but never got very good so maybe I’ll try it on the plane next month. DS12 likes it too. I subscribed to check his videos later see if he refreshes my Memory on triggers, finger moves, etc.

What a fabulous idea for a post chemo haircut! DH is 12 years out, but his hair was short before so there wasn’t really a big deal with cutting it again. Whether you cut it or not - that’s such a victory!
Hoping you have a fabulous trip!


Safe travels. Hope you get some sleep! BC is fabulous, so are your nails.

Go for the haircut! Sounds like the best possible place. And you’ll be emotional whether you do it on MS or somewhere at home so why not enjoy it somewhere special.


Fantastic video! I hope you have a wonderful, best ever trip.


He’s pretty quick! He might beat some of the wait times :grimacing::laughing:

Let it be emotional :people_hugging: No better place to celebrate this milestone than at Disney!

Does moving the stickers count? :see_no_evil:


Love the nails!

Enjoy your trip - and let it be emotional. Get yourself a I’m Celebrating button and know that you’re most definitely not the first person to cry in the Harmony Barber Shop.


Liked the video because I love it! He is super fast! We got into cubing over the Christmas break and ended up all learning how to solve a cube (me, DH, DS12, DD10 & DS6, DD3 also would ‘solve’ a cube by taking a solved one and undoing a certain number of steps and then (re)solving it). The kids all still know how to and some can still do it in a minute (or less) but DH & I were trying to muddle through the algorithms the other day and kept getting stuck.

This is kind of what started it all! We had bought a Disney themed one but it was harder to solve because of the picture on it, so DS12 wanted to learn on a regular one, and then figured it out and can now solve both! Good luck finding it! Ours was a 100 Anniversary Theme with the characters all in their 100 outfits.

Have the best trip & can’t wait to hear all about anything & everything from Main St USA but especially such a special thing as your haircut!!!


Looking forward to following along

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It sure was something seeing the organizers with the make a wish families. All hugs and smiles and you could see their passion showing through. Really special flight.

Got to beach club, room not ready. Sunny humid day. We go to hurricane Hannah’s and no sooner do we get our order and sit down, huge down pour. Wind knocked down his full resort mug off the table. We are definitely not used to how sudden the weather changes.

Taken just before the rain:

We explored inside, the two resorts. When the rain stopped shortly after, headed to Epcot, got my pass!

Got BG1 for GOTG, no problems getting in at 2:15. He was so excited!

It was our first time in the back row, and maybe it’s just been too long or back row is worse,
but it was more intense than I remember. Still loved it though! It was also a song I never had before but can’t for the life of me remember. The ride photos need a caption with song name.

After that was test track. Since it was just the two of us he explored every inch of the interactive stuff after the ride.

We tried the duck tales scavenger hunt, started in Mexico. Couldn’t find whatever it was we were supposed to find. Asked multiple cast members who all pointed us in differing directions. Went to Norway and they hadn’t even heard of the hunt. So, if anyone has a cheat sheet of exactly where everything is, that would be amazing! He knew the answers to the trivia as he loves the show, we just couldn’t figure out what to do :sweat_smile:

Bonus; I had no idea Norway had this cute photo op area!

It was getting very hot and crowded and room was finally ready. Checked in and immediately went to the quiet pool. We were the only ones in it for a long time.

His favourite part of any hotel is the hot tub. While in it, a lady walked by and said “but isn’t it hot in there love?” Yes, and it’s amazing. I was surprised he didn’t want to head over to the main pool, but I’m not complaining.

Back for an early night, Hollywood studios tomorrow! He wants to bring two light sabers and I’m talking him down to one. Plus his cube. It’s a great conversation starter in line, and I found the Disney scube on Amazon to order :heart:


Thank you, he notices each and every like and is so thrilled to get more :grinning: he tries to teach me his advanced methods, and I’m so turned around now I don’t even remember the beginners method anymore.


I love following your trips! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I hope you have the best time!


Exactly my thoughts! Told DH I felt like this needed to be special, a milestone and also letting go of something that I really struggled with in the beginning. Haircut day is Friday afternoon :heart:


You can do this. And I LOVE your nails!!!


HS going great after a slow start. DS asked me to share his video of 2x2, trying to break the Canadian national record. He got under 4seconds. Record average is 1.26



In a hot tub? Never, lol.

Are you going back to Epcot? We did all the countries for Duck Tails juat recently. I can recall many of the spots. But the questions are random in order except for the last it seems. You have to look at the pictures for the clue where to go. If you show the cast member the picture of the location, you should be able to find it. France is hard.
In Mexico we had to go to the birdcage by the stairs, the fountain, next to La Cava, a spot on the wall by the hostess station for the resturant and the finale was at the top of the stairs- look at the volcano. Everything was in the temple.
In Norway, most everything was in that back corner by the waterfall if I recall correctly. The finale was the waterfall. Germany you had to go into many of the shops.
If you want a cheat, use google lens to take a picture of the clue. You should get answers online.
ETA: we didn’t cheat. It took hours to do. I would suggest doing 3 countries per Epcot stint over 3 days if possible.