Could use some words of encouragement

OT - but SO good to see you @Pod

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Thanks! I’m in recovery mode.
Also, two of the kids were home all summer. I forgot how busy they make things! And they’re grown, unlike yours, so you’d think it would be easy but somehow it still wears me out.

My goal is to make a music video of the trip as a surprise for Christmas. I’ve done that for a couple big events and it’s always a really nice keepsake, but a lot of work. I’m using “You’ve Got A Friend In Me,” for the song. :smile::cry: It’s also fun for extended family and friends to see at Christmas, instead of a newsletter.


Oh man, that had to be devastating at that age!

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Morning update: wife is not longer in a zombie stage. For the most part feeling better.
Everyone (self included) slept for close to 12 hours last night. Kids ate some oatmeal this morning and have held it down for a good 1.5.
Moody as can be but not complaining of pain. Hopefully so more food throughout the day to get the energy levels back up. We may walk
Around a bit just to get out of the room.
Thanks again everyone for all the good vibes and stories. I really appreciate it!


Glad to hear it. Make sure they are getting electrolytes too.

Went to HS for about 2 hrs. 90+ degrees so taking it somewhat easy still. Walked around some in TSL, then Enjoyed Frozen singalong. Back to hotel to cool off, then dinner/walk boardwalk. Easing back into things. Their birthday is tomorrow so want to make sure they are well rested for the big day!


This just reminded me of a moment at Epcot last week. There was a mother and 3 small kids in the ladies room (no idea why they didn’t use the unoccupied family room) and I’m waiting in line and mom gets the 2 older kids to do their business and then makes sure the oldest knows not to unlock the door while mommy is on the toilet. Almost as soon as she sits to do hers I hear “Oh God, NO! STOP! Don’t lick things in bathrooms!”




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I’m pretty sure every stomach present just automatically clenched.



By afternoon kids were refueled and close to normal. Spent some time waking around which was nice. Looking forward to a semi-normal day tomorrow!


Good to hear they are bouncing back. Seems they are more resilient than us adults. Hope the wife is hanging in there as well.

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