Coronavirus Outbreak: Part 3

I can believe it. I was exposed to it before the perspn I got it from realized she had Covid. Then in my case, I had no obvious symptoms. You would never have known I had Covid. (I would not have known, had I not had to test for travel…I had spent over half a day at Hollywood Studios before I found out I was positive. I was negative on Rapid the day before I did PCR)


Can I get a quick reminder of when to test after an exposure please? I got pinged by the NHS today, I was exposed on Saturday at my son’s wrestling show. No masks and I would most likely have been sat near the person for over an hour. It could have been much longer.

Is Sunday day 1 and I should test day 5?

Someone else can chime in with what the formal advice is. But anecdotally I’ll just say my family had it recently and a bunch at school now have it and in a lot of anecdotes people testing their first day of obvious symptoms are negative. In a lot of situations the day 2 or day 3 of symptoms is positive.

So with a known exposure if you get symptoms I would test multiple times over a couple of days to be sure if you’re negative.

We have also had plenty of exposures where it didn’t get us though so hopefully you will continue to feel well!

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Thanks! I am symptomless currently and will hopefullly stay that way - I had it very badly in Jan and Feb 2021 and don’t want to go through anything like that again.

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This happened to us with DS4. DD6 coughed a handful times on a Friday night at bedtime, woke up Saturday with a runny nose, and then tested positive on Saturday morning. DS4 woke up with minor symptoms (mild congestion) on Saturday. He tested negative Saturday, Sunday and Monday and then tested positive on Tuesday.

I haven’t posted the news to the group yet, but a few weeks ago DD6 and DD4 tested positive. Our only potential exposures were school (my kids wear quality masks), DD6’s gymnastics and theater classes (DD6 wears a KF94), and two masked indoor playdates. The only indoor unmasked potential exposure was school lunch. We do not know how DD6 caught it, but my guess is the lunch cafeteria.

We are now 19 days later and DW and I have tested negative the entire time so at this point, I think it is safe to assume DW and I didn’t catch Covid from the kids.

I’m happy to answer any questions about our family’s experience if it would help any of my fellow Liners.


I thought that had all ended!!

:crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: You stay negative :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:


Our school nurse mentioned that she had been hearing that many were testing positive on day 3 after symptoms and that is what we found for DS. I started feeling miserable on Sunday night and by Monday morning I was positive.

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I thought it had ended too, I was really shocked to get it! Thanks, I am a little bit worried since we had our boosters in December and they’re probably wearing off.


Correct. Here are the US close contact quarantine guidelines, which I feel are still fairly reasonable (I am less confident about their latest isolation guidelines for those testing positive).



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I tested Day 4 after last know exposure and day after developing low grade fever. Both rapid test and PCR were negative.

Felt the worst Day 5 after last know exposure. Fever broke Day 6. Rapid test on Day 7 was positive. Day 10 and Day 13 were negative.

Guess I should have tested Day 5 like CDC recommendation.


It’s not a finite cutoff, so it might not have mattered. Most test positive by Day 5, but there are still a decent number through Day 10 (thus the recommendation to continue masking). A very, very few still come up positive in the range of Days 11-14, IIRC.

But, a very, very small percentage of a very, very large number is still a significant number.

That’s kind of the annoying loose thread that keeps unraveling in this entire whole scenario. Lots of people accepting “not-huge” risks=significant spread which leads to a significant number of negative outcomes.

Which means any public health response that is keying off people making their decisions based on their individual risk level is pretty much doomed to fail. Because numbers. Too many dice rolls. Too many people going to get bad rolls eventually. And here we are.


Well I have tested today, day 5, no symptoms, negative.



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Following this mom navigating this mess. :broken_heart:

Covid or not Covid related, hepatitis of unknown cause in previously completely healthy kids is Not Good.


But also this:


Definitely something to keep on the radar. I see at this point the WHO says 348 cases in children across 20 countries.

From a Dr in Ireland:

Consultant Endocrinologist at Bon Secours Hospital in Limerick, Dr Mary Ryan, said a possible link to Covid infection is being considered.

Dr Ryan told Newstalk: “Eighteen per cent of the cases were positive for Covid-19, so we still don’t know the exact cause. And the big thing I want to say is that the majority of children that have got this have spontaneously recovered. It is a serious disease, if your child develops it, the chance is that they will recover on their own.”

Good news that most are recovering well, but I don’t know enough about what 18% of cases also having covid either can or can’t say about a connection. Either way, tough for families to have yet another thing to potentially worry about popping up right now.


Thank you for your response. I totally get the “must have risk conversation” angle, and defaulting to staying at home. I too am very tired of having risk conversations etc. It will get easier once your 2 young children are able to have the vaccine. We keep planning things for this summer that I remember were much harder last summer b/c our then 9 yr old wasn’t vaccinated yet, but everyone else was, so we took more risk than summer 2020. I didn’t have much fun on those trips b/c I was so worried all the time about DD9.


We have unlimited PTO with a minimum of 3 weeks for everyone, plus we close between Christmas and New Years.


Whelp, was at a work meeting on Wednesday followed by dinner. Tried to do everything right - all of us are vaxxed/boosted, and we all tested the morning of the meeting.

Thursday one of the attendees sent us a message that he had woken up feeling a little off, so he tested and tested positive.

So, playing the waiting game now. Tested negative both yesterday and today, but I’m waiting for the shoe to drop. Wish DS4 was vaccinated.