Coronavirus Outbreak: Is it safe to travel?

He might be able to have the credit changed to a “luv voucher” I believe they don’t expire, but that they charge 100.00 to transfer it to the voucher, so it may or may not be worth trying.


The shoe I’m expecting to drop is layoffs. It started with college interns and contractors at Disney, but it will start affecting all of us soon. Hopefully they can be rehired soon after the panic dies down, but there’s not a lot of places that will be hiring during the freeze, other than maybe grocery stores and supply chains. My job is relatively secure but there’s a point at which even I would be expendable. I really hope this is over quickly.

Most employers are being very accommodating - I’ve been very pleased so far - but they can only do that for so long.


Ding! Ding! Ding!


There are a lot more activities and celebrations for high school graduations. I remember. They were monumentous occasions, celebrating the end of childhood :sob:. To maximize the number of their friends who could attend, we didn’t have the big parties until weeks later. DS had his a couple of weeks later. DD’s party was a month later!

We have 2 college graduations in our extended famil: DD22 and the nephew 22. They have always worked hard to ensure they will be graduating in 2020. They thought it was such a cool year to graduate!

Both families were looking forward to joining together twice this spring for the celebrations. At this point, the University of the Pacific’s graduation is within CDC’s 8 weeks of no 50+ gatherings. They will probably cancel. The University of California at San Diego is 11 weeks away. They have yet to cancel. We told DD to go ahead and purchase the graduation regalia. If the ceremony is cancelled, we will have a dinner celebration with the extended family and pictures later when it is safer to gather. (Hopefully later this summer and not next year!) We are disappointed but in the big picture, we will be thankful to have survived this time. Life goes on in our new norm.

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Thank you! I didn’t know this.

Hat tip to @ryan1 for the idea:


This is good…very important information that needs to be disseminated to the greater population.


All kidding aside, I wish we could know how long it takes to get to the middle of the blue curve.

And can funeral homes manage upcoming needs? My head is spinning.


Hopefully the problems of “extra workers needed for some industries” and “layoffs in some other industries” will fix each other :crossed_fingers:


Along with filling in for recovering staff.


My favorite part of this graph is that I didn’t have to change the y-axis label. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Can you all stand a story?

I am in the van on our way back home after picking up DS from college. My son called at 10 AM saying the president sent out an email at 7:30AM that classes are 100% over and get off campus ASAP.

It’s a VERY small school. 900-ish on campus students.

One student went to Ireland over spring break to visit his girl friend who is studying abroad

He flew home and has been back on campus since the 7th. On Friday he went home to be tested for Covid because he has a sore throat and headache.

Emails went out to guys in his dorm and anyone who shares a class with Ireland-traveling student to inform them.

Test results are still pending. Hopefully we will hear tomorrow the test results and Hopefully it’s negative.
My son will get an email because he is in a class with the Ireland-visiting kid.


I’m not freaking out.
But I’m not as okay as I wish I could be.


I have a sore throat and headache!
I didn’t go to work today as I can work from home.
I hope he is negative. I am assuming I am negative because I don’t have a fever. But I guess better safe than sorry.

We had someone from our school district test positive today.


Sending good thoughts!!


Sorry. Sending positive thoughts your way.


Sorry to hear. :pray:t3:

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I knew this “unlimited power, electricity, and water” thing had to have a catch.

Our fridge has apparently died. :joy:

Luckily we have a deep freeze. But. #OneMoreThing


We are in a peculiar position in the UK.

The government is asking us to do or not do things, but not (yet) requiring us to do so.

The effect is that we all have to make our own decisions. Including, for example, schools. Two of my local schools have announced (with very short notice) limited closures tomorrow. But just tomorrow.

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I hope the tests are negative. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Here we are, required to shelter in place for 3 weeks.

Gonna be tough for everyone.