Coronavirus Outbreak: Is it safe to travel?

Agreed 100%.

Looking at the themes he has for our “Easy Week” and the suggested activities, it is beyond clear he has no clue we have a district just for special education kids who cannot be mainstreamed. Not to mention the activities he is suggesting are very classist in that they assume families have a lot of random classroom-type stuff on hand. For themes we have: College and Career Readiness - enough said; Arts - with wire sculpting, creating a play from scratch, etc.; Science - filled with all kinds of experiments with things we are lucky to have in classrooms; Computer Science - actual coding which many of our kids (none in my school) have not been exposed to; Health & Wellness - this is the lease absurd if we think on our own, but the suggested activities are absurd; and the most absurd is World Languages - enough said for Special Ed where many are non-verbal.

He does not have a clue.

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Those activities are not reasonable! I am sorry…


EXACTLY!!! They are not even reasonable for most General Education students.

My principal is going rogue and we are having Spirit Week and doing easy things like virtual field trips to zoos and such since our kids have tech at home or were loaned tablets to be able to do their work.


Which is highly ironic, since he thinks the “gifted” or hard to get into middle and high schools (for which you have to take a test for entrance) are elitist and don’t take in enough minorities (other than Asian Americans).

Call the NYPost? They love calling him out for all his shenanigans. Seriously, that is the only thing I can think of that might get this attention. This is terrible for you, and probably a majority of other families.

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what was fast?

Data for our region:

Tuesday, April 7, Coronavirus Cases - Monroe County has 26 deaths and 574 positive coronavirus cases as of Tuesday morning. 736 people are in mandatory quarantine. 86 patients are hospitalized.

Of the 86 that are hospitalized, 40-45 are in my hospital. We are the second biggest in the area. i don’t know why we have 50% of the cases, unless it is because the other facility is the trauma and transplant hospital? That’s just a guess.

Meanwhile, my unit that holds 28 patients only has 14, and only one of them is Covid (+). I was told they are cohorting them on two of the medical units (sadly, they are the two units NOBODY wants to work on - almost all newer nurses) think olden style long corridors. But they are also getting a lot of additional staff from OR, PACU, DOSA, GI/endoscopy, and Cath Lab.

I’ll do my education conundrum in another post.


I’m sure the email has been leaked already. But yeah, he is ridiculous.

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NY is recognized as one of the four most contentious states for homeschooling.
From our POV we are doing every last iota that we are supposed to do. All the proper number of hours and credits and subjects, etc. I will submit my paperwork this week as I am supposed to (to an office that is highly unlikely to send ME confirmation of receipt).
And although NY has canceled all public school state assessments for the rest of the 2019-2020 academic year, and yesterday NYSED cancelled Regents exams, we have not be relieved of our annual assessments. This matters NOW because these need to be ordered and I am coordinating testing for almost 200 students. :frowning: I am fielding emails every day from confused parents and test administrators.

We have lawyers petitioning on our behalf.

I just shut down forums to find an email from Homeschool Legal Defense! We are off the hook in NY.

Thank God I won’t have to answer any more frantic emails! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


A lot of patients in a short period of time.

I saw this photo a few days ago and thought ‘if one day there will be memorial, they should use this image as an inspiration’.


Yay! Congratulations! That’s wonderful news


I’m very glad this has worked out!

I’m not fully tracking. Are you in charge of a large group of homeschoolers? Are you a liaison to the state?

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Today I Learned: We should be thinking of the difference between presymptomatic and asymptomatic


This is good.

Tho I submit that we will need memorialS.

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@H17 - yeah - I don’t always include enough details - sorry.

I am absolutely not the liaison to the state. But I am part of a national legal defense group that has multiple lawyers working to find out the legal requirements in each state at this time. (Well - of the states that have requirements.)

I am simply the person who coordinates the testing for our very large homeschool group. I have been a test administrator since 2006, but I now am the person who organizes our testing week. We spread our standardized testing over three days and offer two different tests at 10 grade levels for one and 4 four another. It’s my first year solo lead which would have made it enough new work.

It’s one of those things where no matter what we decide it will let down someone. It’s a hard call.

At least at this point it’s not state mandated. If we choose to offer some testing at some levels (for national honor society, scholarships, etc.,) it will likely be a much, much smaller group.

I’m not going to bother to test my 12 grader. He will have 42 college credits completed and his SATs. No one will care about his IOWA exam…


I agree, but when you have an incubation period of 5-14 days, I’m not sure how much this should really affect policies re: social distancing, mask wearing, etc- At least until we can get better and more accurate testing.


And - I need groceries again.
I understand the need for limits at the stores.
I understand the recommendation to shop only every 2-3 weeks. Those two things do not go together for a family my size. If I am only allowed two gallons of milk, I am going to need to be back in 3 days at the longest. We easily go through 1 to 1.5 gallons of milk a day. Even if I ration it, we go through 2/3 of a gallon with baking and minimal free milk drinking. Also - two jars of sauce make one night’s lasagna. Four cans of beans is one dish. All the prep shopping we did is long gone. My “hoarding” was a normal month’s worth. Now I can’t do a proper month’s worth.

Our Wegmans is allowing one of any one kind of meat. So my bulk pack of beef will make two meals.
My bulk pack of chicken will make two meals. That’s four days.

I’m honestly not sure what to do. I mean, I could technically buy one prime rib, one rack of lamb, etc., but that’s going to add up pretty quickly. LOL.


What is so silly is that I was reading that dairy farmers are dumping milk.


That is killing me. What a waste. I heard a dairy farmer crying on the radio yesterday.
We have dairy farmer friends 3 hours from us. It’s obscene what is getting wasted.

This is one of the industries I’m talking about when I say we need to move to a place allowing some businesses to get back on track.


Yeah. I think some of the restrictions might be overkill.

We bought 2 weeks worth of groceries. I bought two gallons of milk. Since we use whole milk, usually the milk is good for at least 2 weeks (lower milk fat percentages don’t last as long). But I was surprised to see, once we were home (didn’t think to check) that the milk expired in less than a week. That NEVER happens. It is like they aren’t selling through the milk and so it is sitting there longer. If that is the case, why is there a “limit 2” sign?

Having said that, I have noticed that there have been Indian families (we have a high population of Indian families in our area) who will come in and buy like 20+ gallons of milk at a time. I have no idea what they do with that much milk! But as a result, Aldi not too long ago starting instituting a 6 gallon limit on milk purchases.

Do you guys not drink a lot of milk?
My kids drink it all day long. Well. They used to.

My 13 yo daughter will drink three of these full per day. My 17 year old son will drink two.

ETA just checked. 14 oz to a spot they fill to.