Coronado Resort Trip, The Year of Our Mouse, 2021

Kids both have peanut and tree nut allergies. Not exactly sure how they made the aioli, but as you noticed it does say safe for milk on the allergy menu. Guessing it was some culinary workaround?

It was delicious.

I’d definitely ask on site, though. Disney is great, but they aren’t perfect, as our chocolate experience showed.

(Disney also thinks their ice cream is nut allergy safe if you ask chefs etc, but we know if you call any ice cream company, they’ll tell you all their product is made on shared equipment.)


Sure, guess I could! But with the FakeGPS I can get an active waitlist spot any time before rolling up, just in case they somehow check for names.


I’ve only had a guard ask me to scroll up once on my phone to check it, but I wasn’t trying to skirt the system either. And that wasn’t the time I was turned away either, the time I was denied I had already clicked ‘I’m here prepare my food’ And then had to go to GS billing to get my money back. You could take the bus from CSR to MK, then hop the WL boat


Thanks on the allergy info. DH gives me crap because I don’t insist on talking with a chef all the time. With multiple allergies I probably should, but sometimes don’t want to make a fuss. It’s ridiculous considering it’s my health…. I’m working on changing my thought patterns around it.
Have a great day today! Is the plan MK?


My son has the same mindset, think he just wants to breeze through. Daughter is an always checker.

I know you know this, but you often learn new things when talking to chef - DS18 went down on his own yesterday, grabbed a breakfast sandwich.

We went down with DD14, while they looked at menu I spoke with chef - he said all good, just avoid regular potatoes, but hash browns good.

We talked a sec and I said how much we appreciate chef help.

2 minutes later he sought me out and said he double checked the rolls on the sandwiches - turns out there’s a nut cross contamination warning, so we have to ask for the gluten free bread!

No issues with son, but gotta be vigilant. He’s heading off to college in a few weeks and to be honest, our big worry is him shrugging off checking.


Don’t know if this is what you were thinking but Gypsy Kings?!


I was thinking them or Los Lobos.

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I think that’s a good plan, but whenever I mention there might be something like HEAVEN FORBID a bus change I can see my family’s faces change. Trying to get them on board for an EP area resort exploration visit using a bus to HS first.


Yes! Gypsy Kings!


But bus to HS to SL to many other destinations would be fun!!! Beaches n’ Cream walk up window is open :wink::upside_down_face:


I agree!

Sadly we can’t do ice cream with nut allergies.


oh sooo sorry… a world w/o ice cream ??? well you have Disney!


My daughter is allergic to artificial sweeteners. While I have always been careful for her…she was somewhat cavalier about her allergy for a long time. To be fair her reaction is generally mild (GI issues) and isn’t life threatening, but we still take it seriously.

She inadvertently drank something with artificial sweetener in it every day, all day for an entire summer. Had GI issues the entire time, never mentioned it to anyone and only realized the connection a month later after not drinking it anymore.:person_facepalming:

Dd is definitely far more careful now and checks everything. Artificial sweeteners are in far more foods, drinks, and medicines than you realize!!

All of our October ADRs are marked “other” for allergies as artificial sweeteners aren’t listed. I am less concerned about the food (usually not an issue except for sugar free desserts), but drinks… especially the fancier, non-alcoholic specialty ones…can be an issue.


Ok, plan decided at breakfast, combined a few plans together for efficiency.

Going to drive to TTC in afternoon, ferry to WL for Geyser Point. Ferry back to TTC, walk to Poly for Dole Whips, exploring, fireworks.

Trying to get a visual, is this the walking path from TTC to Poly?


I believe so, but there should be signs to follow too

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Tomorrow we’re going to do the bus to HS, bus to EP area resorts. Explore, maybe ride Skyliner. That’ll give us the chance to pack and relax tomorrow night, maybe another Three Bridges dinner (son suggested, so it was definitely good!) and late night pool.


Yes I think that’s it, also well Marked.

Love your plans!


Thank you!

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Bus to HS and boat/walk to EP area resort?

You know, we haven’t stayed over there, I forgot it was walkable!

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