Cheap themed gifts to announce a trip?

Can you believe I can’t find those little balsa wood gliders anywhere! Any other time I see them at the checkout at Walmart or in the dollar store…

It’s probably more of a summer thing. What about a craft store like Michael’s?

Yes and good idea. Thank you.

Had my girls do a scavenger hunt with rhymes to a glider (fly), orange (FL), glow sticks, and Mickey bars before we got to the mouse ears. They were/are elated. Very surprised. I’m so relieved the cat is out of the bag. Now we can talk freely.
Thank you for all your helpful suggestions.

One of the first things DD9 said was about 7DMT… you know - the ride I couldn’t get a FPP for. :joy::joy::rofl:


Yay! And such a cute pic :blush:

So much fun!!

Yay!! Great picture and sounded perfect!

Great pic!

So exciting!