Chat count for private lounge ...Do we Need It

Bears. You have no idea lol
Pixie dust helps. @Beachmom01 is the best at it

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This sort of segregation is known to commonly cause problems like this. There is a quite famous psych experiment that is related:


LOL! Hi honey!

This is awesome. A forum devoted to talk about an amusement park has devolved into a forum about meta-talk about the forum itself, and the drama has increased exponentially.


I think it is all very sad - not at all what I am on lines for.


Not everyone over there feels that way @NotThatKevinSmith. I have enough chats to be there, and really enjoy the shenanigans threads, but I am not one of the “cool kids”. I don’t think chat numbers should be needed to get in there as I stated on lines, just an understanding about the types of chats that will appear there. The lounge should be for everyone that wants to chat or lurk with the crazies (no offense meant), without the constant complaining to staff to “shut this thread down” for off-topic or inappropriate banter. But please don’t lump us all as terrible people just because we might have a bit of a lines addiction and chat a lot :smiley:


Love the article @HappyHaunt1000! Kinda shocking at the resemblance, but so very true

Sorry if it came off as “everyone”. I certainly didn’t intend to put that view across.

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I believe the whole thing is in testing and changes will be made accordingly. Admin is encouraging feedback and there’s no doubt in my mind that everyone is being heard. The idea certainly stemmed from just about every forum I’ve ever read where participation is rewarded (I’ve been in a discussion forum for many years where I’m still considered a novice because I don’t post much). But anyway, Len posted this publicly so I assume he’d be okay with me quoting it here to show that admin has a very open mind about this going forward and nothing is set in stone:

"As for forum access, almost all of them are open to everyone. There are 2 forums, I think, that we’re testing by giving access to folks who have 500 and 2,000 chats (I could be wrong on the numbers). The idea there is to reward the people who spend the most time on the forums, sort of like frequent flyer lounge access at airports.

Some folks don’t like the idea of restricting forum access by activity, assuming everyone’s a subscriber. I don’t have a preference one way or the other, and I think the Lines community can work out a decision that’s acceptable to everyone. There’s probably already a thread on it, and your voice would be welcomed there.

Again, thanks for joining the forums!" – (end quote)

We will get it sorted, friends. Just hang in there.


Not to jump into the fray, but “Don’t let them make you feel that way” does come off as everyone.

Totally feel the same way @999HappyHaunts. Lines was my stress relief! I am so stressed today trying to figure this out. I don’t know where this is posting… the whole thread, just happyhaunts (sigh)?? Either way, sounds like the lounge is similar to the old “behind the curtain” or whatever it was called. I preferred the front room then so I guess I can live with my level 2 status… though still confused by that.

I remember the MIL thread, I think it was right after I joined in 6/2010 and I remember checking to see if there are any updates! I joined right after I booked my first trip. I didn’t really respond to many posts for the first few years I was on here because I didn’t have answers to the questions. I have started to answer more recently, but I checked this morning and in 4 years I have 245 chats even though I am on here several times a day and have learned a ton.


If I meant everyone I would have said everyone. Them is the plural form of multiple people. When someone says people (multiple persons) are making them feel bad, what is wrong with saying “don’t let them make you feel that way”?? Geez.


I appreciate the grammar lesson. I may have a J.D., but I am from Tennessee, so we don’t really speak proper English.


I have the chat count to be in the lounge, but apparently do not have access to it as it isn’t showing up on my category list. @LaurelStewart any help?

I agree with @stonecold, it would be nice if all previous liners were allowed into the lounge, and then place some sort of requirement for new subscribers. I have been on lines since April 2010, but only have just under 5000 chats. I read a lot just don’t post a lot.

It’s going to get revamped anyway. Read this:

Thank you...and some reflections on the last 2 days.

Closing the thread as further discussion doesn’t make sense.