Bridge third-party ticket to AP?

Has anyone done this successfully recently? I am headed down April 5th with an 8-day ticket, and as I have almost zero impulse control when it comes to Disney, I am contemplating the jump (I was a passholder for several years until the pandemic and have been suffering major PH withdrawal ever since).

Yes. Actually, I had two different tickets…a single day Epcot ticket that I had purchased directly from Disney, and a 5 day ticket I had bought through Undercover Tourist.

Before our recent trip (where we planned to use the Epcot ticket) we decided to convert over to an AP. I called, and they were able to apply the price of the tickets to the cost of the AP.

Note that I did NOT keep any “savings” I had from the UT tickets. They seem to have access to the actual cost of the ticket through UT, and applied the price I paid, rather than applying the “value” of the ticket. So if you had hoped to save a bit on the AP by doing this, be advised that it doesn’t appear to be a thing to do that any longer. You don’t pay more, but you also won’t “keep” the savings.

There were a couple of reports of people successfully bridging UT tix over the last year. Used to be you had to use the ticket for entry to get the bridging savings, but then at some point that seemed to stop.

You might be the first report that it has changed back to the old “use the ticket” requirement.

So we think that if I tap in, then I could bridge using the price I paid?

I did not have to use either ticket. I converted my tickets to APs well ahead of our trip.

Right - but the way to get to keep the reseller discount when upgrading (aka “bridging”) was to use the ticket first. There was something that occurred in the system once used that prevented Disney from using the price you paid and instead credited you the gate price of the ticket.

In the past the tactic was to use the ticket first before attempting to upgrade, then over time it didn’t seem to matter. As of last Fall , people were still reporting they could upgrade and bridge the savings without tapping in.

There were also some reports in my convention tickets thread of people bridging reseller tix (not the convention tix) in the summer.

But, sometimes it comes down to the CM you get to help you - it is always a good idea to know your numbers walking in the door to GS to be sure they come up with the cost you expect.

Years ago I created a tool for people to crunch the numbers and then screenshot for reference.

So, either something change back in the last several months or Ryan just got a CM that didn’t run the numbers as they should have. Sadly that was often the case, which is why I created the estimator.

There just haven’t been as many reports of people upgrading / bridging over the last year or two, so hard to tell exactly which tactic will work best now AFAIK.

Well, all I know is that when she saw the ticket in the system, she asked, “Where did you purchase these?” And I said UT. She then did a VERY quick lookup and told me what the total cost of the tickets was (although, she didn’t know about the $3 savings using the Mousesavers code). So she knew, not based on if they had been used or not, but because apparently Disney just knows what resellers are selling the tickets for.

I know in the past they would apply the VALUE of the ticket, not the price you paid.

She ran the numbers. In fact, she not only was verbalizing her calculations as she did them, she then went over them again after it was all calculated to be sure I knew what she was doing. It was all correct. (Too correct, since I had HOPED she would apply the value of the ticket instead of the price I paid.)


Right, I was just trying to point out that using a ticket first used to hide the actual price you paid in the system to CMs - why? I don’t know, third base. :smiley:

Last year people reported calling in as you did and they got to keep their discounts, so just another example of the CM YMMV game, I guess.

It’s a long fly ball to Because. Why? I Don’t Know.

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