What are your thoughts and what’s easiest to carry in your park bag? TIA
I don’t think they are “either/or” items. I use them for different things. Body glide on ANY areas that may chafe. When you feel a blister coming on, time to pull out the moleskin. I usually don’t carry the body glide with me, but I will bring some moleskin into the parks. BTW- I think that white stick deodorant works just as well as body glide.
Ok so instead of body glide I can just buy a small white stick deodorant? Looking up on amazon it seems like the same thing.
Did wonder but I was reading elsewhere that they might be interchangeable.
My son is working in a hot, un-airconditioned warehouse this summer. He says the deodorant works better for preventing chafing/rashes than the body glide.
Deodorant yes- in place of body glide type item. Both work to prevent chaffing. Moleskin is for once you have a blister/problem.
I always coat my feet (around heels and toes, and right in the tops) w body with body glide, slip on my keens and set out for the day. I’d never put moleskin on all those area, as my shoes would never fit! Note -esp helpful to cut a donut shaped piece **
Good to know, my aunt ended up with horrendous blisters on day 1 last year (did not heed my advice) so this may be helpful for her. That and investing I some decent trainers!
Be sure to check feet or webbing every night. Apply moleskin to red spots.
Also apply body glide to underneath bra straps, thighs, any place there is skin friction.
I like to use Body Glide but I don’t ever carry it with me.
On a side note…I need to look into this moleskin that you all have mentioned. I made the mistake of wearing new shoes (which also happened to be heels) today and we had to walk quite a bit. Needless to say, my feet did not appreciate it.
I have a deodorant size body glide for room and bandaid makes a small one about 1 inch by 1 inch for in park touch ups
We do carry body glide with us, because we tend to marathon in the parks. If you are going to go back to your hotel for a rest though, you should be fine. I don’t feel that deodarant and body glide work the same. There is something miraculous about body glide.
I believe the right footwear can help you avoid using either one. However, sometimes 1 or both are needed. Walt Disney World Tips
@pod4christ I wore my brooks trainers last year. No pain, blisters, hot spots. Excellent support.
@docmcstubbins Excellent!
As a runner who suffers the chub rub on my thighs, I will choose white stick deodorant every time over body glide. Works waaaaay better. That said, I am bringing both to the World.
Related: I feel so stupid but I cannot find moleskin. Have checked Target, Walmart, and one of the pharmacies (rite aid? Cvs… We have billions of me all jammed in next to one another). I must be looking in the wrong place. Help???
I have purchased moleskin from Walmart and CVS. I found it in the foot care aisle. Good luck finding it!
I found it at target next to bandaids!
It is usually near the Dr. School’s food products at wal-mart.