Bob Iger is horrified by new CDC testing guidelines

I just want to get this out there before this thread gets locked:
As a L&D nurse, we rely on our patients having access to a timely Covid test to protect us from them during labor and delivery, and more importantly during scheduled and unscheduled cesarean sections where we are put at extreme risk due to intubations of both mom (general anesthesia) and baby (administering of surfactant, intubation so the baby can breathe/survive). Our hospital has always had plenty of test capacity to test every single Mom. We now are almost out of reagent, and will have to switch to send out tests. Our time to receive results will go from just 4 hours to days. We are a very large hospital system, not a small hospital with few deliveries. We are putting our lives at risk to take care of potential Covid positive patients everyday, and now will have to wait longer amounts of time to get their results. They will likely be home by then, but people with no symptoms, and no known exposure are able to get tested easily. This is one of the reasons why I think the guidelines are changing- we NEED these tests/reagent in hospitals.


I am very close to locking this thread. I’m not sure if a civil conversation can be had on this topic, but please give it a go.


I opt to close it. No one’s mind is going to change. No matter how many facts are brought to the table.


I haven’t engaged in this thread so far but I would recommend for the sake of preserving everyone’s cordiality, that we lock it up.


Good points both, I think you’re right and I will lock it now.