Black Widow!


We did get a number of hits discussing Natasha’s license plate (1Y R31I) which is generally thought to be a Russian Ham Radio reference.

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Yeah. Really esoteric stuff.

Shaking my head . . .

This makes my DH SO mad :crazy_face: and then he laughs at me when I’m astonished as if I’m seeing it for the first time. I’ve never thought of it as a gift. I’ll have to tell him this next time.

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I found myself looking at the license plates yesterday because of this discussion. Haha. Did not write them down.

Just found this


Here’s a really esoteric one imo


This one certainly refers to something

but idkw

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This penny pinching Scot finally saw Black Widow for free on Disney+ :partying_face::laughing:

As a big MCU fan, I had been disappointed with the trailer and wasn’t really looking forward to the movie. This probably helped it to surpass my expectations. I don’t think it was awesome, but I enjoyed it.

There wasn’t enough humour in it for me. I think I can probably count on one hand how many times I laughed out loud (mostly generated by the red guardian character). I think I rolled my eyes more often than I laughed.

Ray Winston was bloody awful in it. His rusky accent was as good as Robbie Coltrane’s in Bond (ie super bad). It spoiled most of his scenes.

I enjoyed the opening scenes the most. Pretty much up until the prison break. After that, the energy diminished significantly and for too long before the climax.

The end scene hints at why this story had to be told, so that’s fine, but I have to admit that I’m disappointed that it wasn’t a Black Widow AND Hawkeye movie. Of course I’m looking forward to the Hawkeye movie, but if it’s anything below astounding it will compound my idea that their backstory movies should’ve been combined. I’m much more interested in how and why he made the call not to terminate her. I hope that story is told one day rather than hinted at.

Overall, a positive screening :+1:t2: I will rewatch in due course.

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I’m ready to rewatch it!
I’ve forgotten almost all of it …
We saw in theater. July?
It’s sad how short my span is.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who can’t remember a movie to save her life.

I’ll get half way through and then think, “I know what happens next! I guess I’ve seen this before.” :woman_facepalming:



I thought the movie was definitely not at the level of what the MCU had been building over 23 movies. It was nice to get the backstory and fill in a few gaps. It was a lot of explosions and flying stunts.

Having Natasha blowup a kid in order to take out the ‘big bad’ did not sit well with me.

The bright spot for me was Yelena. I am looking forward to her future in the MCU.

There was a lot of potential with Taskmaster that did not play out in the movie. That was such an interesting character that begged for more depth and details. Too bad we did not have the time in this movie to go there.

It was still an enjoyable movie, but it kind of helped push me to the side of Disney in the lawsuit brought forward by ScarJo. It helped slant my view that ScarJo was looking for a huge payday on the back-end for a movie that was not up to the scale of others in the MCU and one that would definitely not bring in the big payday she was hoping it would. She eventually did double her initial pay for the show, but at what cost. I think Hollywood would be cautious before they signed her onto another movie.

Anyway enough negativity. Maybe I am just Jealous that the make more on one movie the the entirety of my family in 10 generations and still believe the payday is not enough.


I had seen Black Widow at a drive-in near me, but the rewatch of it was nice.

It really drove home my main problem with the movie, and that is pacing. The first 45 minutes of the movie are nearly all action scenes with almost no mention of plot. The next hour is all talking, explaining the whole plot. Finally, they bring together plot and action for the final 30 minutes or so.

The scenes are all great on their own but the transitions are truly terrible, and the scene order / pacing is just wrong. I like the movie and what it was trying to do and the message it wanted to send, but that pacing… ugh.


I just watched this, for the first time. I’m glad I’d seen these comments, so I had lower expectations. Plus I had the Wikipedia article open on my laptop, so I could follow along with the plot. I couldn’t always understand what exactly was being said, and with the scene cuts, that helped. I enjoyed it. It did a lot to explain Black Widow’s background, and to introduce her “sister.” By watching this now, before “Hawkeye,” it seemed to fit in the line-up.