Avatar Trailer

Not that anyone has been holding their breath - but they’ve finally released a trailer for the Avatar sequel, to be released in December.

I’m sure the story will be another meh, but I am looking forward to the animation, which looks very cool.


I loved it, but really just because it felt for a few mins like we were on FOP. I wanted the whale to jump out and splash me!


Ooh! That looks good. Is it still James Cameron with a similar cast? Hope so.

I hope that this doesn’t mean a change to the FoP video. It’s perfect just the way it is IMO!

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At least a few people are back in it - here’s a short GMA article.

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Well. Pretty animation, but barely a hint of a story. I fear that means there isn’t much of one.


I’d have to agree.

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Yeah it didn’t seem like a lot in terms of plot


I mean, the first Avatar was really Ferngully with blue giants and advanced weaponry.


Agreed. Saw preview before Dr. Strange, and don’t think the story seems too compelling to me, but the visuals will again be a treat.

On one hand, those that liked the first movie might expect too much after 13 years as if it should be world-changing. But those who weren’t impressed may not even bother seeing this one. As someone kind of in the middle, I’m not sure what to expect.

More important question, does AK get something new based on the new movie?

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Avatar: Journey of Water


We always compared to Dances With Wolves.


We always call it Dances With Smurfs :laughing:


Ooh! Jermaine Clement!!


Ha! I didn’t even realize he was listed there, the word wrap must have thrown me off. Very cool.

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I bet he’s the bad guy!!

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This is a teaser trailer. As in, not even a full trailer. Something released well in advance of the film to start generating buzz.

I mean, there was a teaser trailer for “The Force Awakens” a year-plus in advance of the film. Some images sweeping over derelict ships. Then Han Solo saying “we’re home” before he and Chewbacca leave for CVS to buy some Mylanta because he’s feeling gassy. And the whole internet loses its mind.


This is a good point.

To this day I do not understand why Avatar made so much money back in the day. I think it was a combo of sexy aliens + 3D upcharge, but that still only explains about $1 billion of box office receipts. It was good, but “highest-grossing film of all time” good? No.

(I think the serious explanation is that it was amazingly good 3D CGI that landed at the right time to take advantage of the fad.)

I like the land / rides and I think Pandora is an interesting world. But I have a hard time imagining this next installment reaching quite the same heights financially. I hope it doesn’t bomb though, cause financial ruin causes me heartache.