Hello All, I’m new to all this, have a trip booked for the first full week in June, and was wondering why Animal Kingdom now seems to have EMH every day from 8 to 9. We’re staying off-site and hoping to avoid parks on EMH days, but that’s not possible with AK. Unless I’m reading it wrong on the Disney website, the EMH for AK is daily. Does anyone know why this is the case? Any tips for timing my arrival with my family of 7 if we hope to get on FoP?
Any pointers you can give me would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!
That is weird… The WDW calendar seems to have EMH mornings at AK for the entire month of June.
I suppose it is a possibility, but, perhaps just a glitch? I would be pretty shocked if they had EMH every morning all month long but who knows…
I wonder if someone has copied the hours from last year, when Pandora had just opened?
I would watch for it changing back.
I just got an email stating that every day for our trip in June is now EMH at AK. This totally dents our plans for NRJ right after Tuskers breakfast at 8:00…
I’m glad I’m not the only one seeing this. It’s almost the entire month of May too. I have my whole itinerary ready for our day there in June, but I don’t think I’ll change it. I figure it will give me an opportunity to ride flight of passage twice!
If AK is EMH 8 am open everyday, then maybe crowds will even out across the days and it won’t be so crazy. Of course for shorter waits at FOP, you’d have to be there way early and that puts offsite at more of a disadvantage. But maybe for the rest of the day, the whole park will seem like a usual day. Or at least I’m hoping for my May date that is now an EMH. I have FPP for FOP early afternoon so hope we can get more done in the morning then.
OK, thanks everyone! I’m kind of bummed to see that it’s going to be every day, but if that’s what it is, so be it. Just hope the lines for FoP aren’t too crazy right at 9…
I think we will now try FOP near park closing because we are staying off-site, but how late would they give out rider switch passes?
Yep. I just got that email too…
No matter, our first AK day was EMH anyway…
As an offsite guest I’m in panic mode right now. I waiting before reoptimizing my plans. This has to be a glitch. It just has to be!!!
Omg, I’m actually very excited about this! Unfortunately I’m going in July. You guys think there is a chance they will also do this for the month of July ?
I’m an off site guest as well and not excited about this change at all! Now I’m wondering what time we should plan to arrive in the morning.
It is literally every day the week we are there in May…except for 5/17 which is our AK day. I’m not sure how we got so lucky, but I’ll take it. That would have really screwed up my TP.
I’m in the same boat. Originally I had planned to be at AK May 9th until I saw that day had EMH so I switched to May 8th. Now that day has EMH. I tried getting FP for FOP at 4am 30 days out but couldn’t (I’m on West coast time). Moving AK day to the only day not currently showing EMH, which is Monday May 7th, screws up the rest of our fast passes for other parks. We always get to the gates an hour before park open but only at parks without EMH as I plan around those. Does anyone have experience with this scenario to help us all? Would getting there 2hrs earlier than park opening even make a difference?! The thought of waiting 1.5-2hrs for FOP makes me so stressed out. Thanks for the help!!!
I doubt it will be for July. DHS has extra EMH every day of July and August. Other parks will likely just have “normal” EMH, on rotation.
early park opening ad DHS in july/ august is a bit of a nightmare, normal park opening now at 8am so EMH at 7am. Glad we have a car so can just take the 5 min drive rather than catch at bus at 6.30am. think we will only do 1 very early morning. if cant get on the toy story rides that day then will try and fast pass at least 1 of them for a quick visit / park hopping day. Hoping it will make AK rides a bit easier.
Hi all. Been annoyed about this since I got the email last night.
We’ve also had EMH added in for this coming Sunday. We’ve already booked out FPP and ADR etc for the day, so switching is a bit of a non starter for us.
We were planning on getting to the park an hour or so before opening to go straight to FOP. Is this even worth it now or will the line already be massive by the time the park opens to the public?
Do they add additional fastpasses for earlier times when EMH are added like this?
No fp during emh
We too are staying off site were going on 1st June but luckily can change to 27th may which is an opening at 8am but not emh. By the grace of God! Making 30 day fp on Friday so that was a close call