Am I the only one currently avoiding Moderates?

And when someone has a little kid - I think the key information is that they aren’t super crowded when they shate. It is more like - by sharing they run more frequently. If they need to cram, they are running seperately.


I would shorten a trip to stay in the bubble if budget required it. With in reason, lol. The next best thing is staying in Disney Springs hotel if needed to feel bubblish.

I have never shared a bus at the All Stars in all my stays. We’ve done Movies mostly and Sports once. I don’t think that would matter though.

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The two times it happened.we were almost the last out od the park and I was woth people staying at a different AS. Pretty much the drivers were like “I"m the last bus headed to any of the All Stars tonight” so mot your usual situation.

Way better than when WL and Contemporary share buses. That takes WAY longer.


We specially stay mod for a few reasons: For me: Hot tub, DH less Disney in your face outside the parks. We upgraded from Poly in 2018, and it just wasn’t for us touring wise. We spend many days hopping to Epcot, or HS. CBR is more convenient for us overall because of the time we spend in them. DD15 would probably move into the Japan Pavillion if they let her so Epcot area is prime.