Am I the only one currently avoiding Moderates?

I generally have nothing against them, but with the current situation for extra hours I’m operating on Value or Deluxe.

Currently booked at Music (preferred room) for my Feb 2025 trip. I’m hoping that possibly my budget will shake out or there will be some kind of deal (though that’s probably slim since it’ll be Presidents’ Week) where I can change to a Deluxe (I’m cool with AKL…would ponder WL), but otherwise I’ll be chillin in Music.

I just find it hard to pay the extra money for a Moderate - much as I love CBR and CSR - when I get no park advantages with them over what I get with a Value. Am I the only one?


I’ve typically only booked moderates when the price is so close to a Value. My first time staying at CBR, it was $20 more than Pop, so it was a no brainer.

Yeah, it’s considerably more difference during my trip.

I have thought about this a lot. If I didn’t have kids that wanted a water slide, we would be at values for sure.

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I love a couple of the moderates so I will book them with a good deal. I rarely seem to make the deluxe hours work for my stays.

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The UK offers really discourage you from staying value.


Interesting. How so?

DH and I only do Pop in recent years.

We did Poly for one night on our first trip in '82. Once they created Moderates, that’s where we stayed. Even when they made Value, we only did Moderates because Values had double (not queen) beds. As empty nesters, we liked POFQ best (one bus stop and elevators in all buildings). But once Pop redid the rooms and put in queen beds - and then the Skyliner - that’s the only place we’ve stayed. Each of the Values have just one bus stop, no spending time on a bus going around the resort (i.e. CBR, CSR, POR).

But someday, I want to stay at some of the Deluxe hotels. We can afford it, it’s just hard to change the mindset and spend the money.


I guess yeah - if a deal comes up where a Mod is super close in price to the Value I might consider it. It would depend on what the Value deal was though. LOL.

This is why until recently I’ve not stayed moderate. I’m either on a tight budget that’s non-negotiable or I’m not. And if I’m not I’ll stretch to stay deluxe every time.

But now I’m completing my “have stayed” list so I’ve done POR and POFQ (did CSR in 2021) with CBR coming up. Tough price point to swallow. But right now it’s about other goals.


The offers are always dining. For this year, it was $200 to stay value but $500 for moderate, I think $750 for deluxe. It’s back to free dining for next year and you don’t get it at values, QS at moderates.

I did do the sums for this year and it worked out cheaper to stay moderate. I haven’t for next year so I don’t know for sure. But Disney know that people will often not do the sums and take something free over nothing.


I love POFQ.



It’s honestly winning as favorite moderate

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If I can figure out a way to go next year - unlikely - I am considering ASMo, but the pull of FQ is strong. The other moderates don’t appeal, too big.


Love how compact POFQ is, and how quaint and honestly romantic. And the location is fabulous so that even though it’s all buses nothing is far. And buses don’t share with other resorts either*!

*POFQ may share with POR at certain times of day during certain times of year.


I would never stay Deluxe if I didn’t own DVC. Same thing with the mindset. The only exception might be if I could snag one of the WL/AKL deals when they are in the 300’s.


I have not stayed in a value because as a family of 5 I wouldn’t fit in one room. So the cheaper options is Moderate.


I have booked my third stay at POP now because I love the Skyliner. (It’s only 2 days pre-cruise)

But I do agree, that moderate doesn’t have any added value … above a value resort. I’ve stayed at CBR and POR before. I’m not a pool person, so to me, POP is just as good as CBR. (Sure it’s central hub and closer, but not for the price they charge)

…but give me Boardwalk any day. Man I loved the convenience of that hotel. (But I was not paying…)

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OK, that makes sense.

As a solo, Value is definitely cheaper - and an option for me.

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