Advice needed re: trip timing and planning. Is it crazy to take 2 trips a month apart?

but would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?

By 2030 there will be more hurricanes than rolls of toilet paper in Florida. #FlattenTheCurve


:rofl: but also :cry:
However, maybe if Florida disappears they’ll move WDW to Texas?

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We just need them to build WDW on one of these…then it doesn’t matter!



No. When we first heard this, it was supposed to be 15 days and look where we are. :crazy_face:

I’m not sure how to respond to this. I know that the highest elevation in FL is 200 ft above sea level and one good title wave could probably traverse the width of the peninsula. I considered this b4 moving here and determined that it probably wouldn’t effect us since we are old :rofl: all the really bad stuff will happen after we are gone from this Earth. So, I don’t care if WDW moves to TX at that point :crazy_face: BUT you can’t have it yet! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


ha ha ha. but I want it now! :wink: I’m okay with them just building a third American set of parks. That’s cool by me too.


I hear you :laughing:

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