Abbreviations WDW

Some people took a dim view of ASS and AS2 was proposed.

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On chat I think it has always been ASS and it is assumed it is the same imagineer that names MILF

To me it is A.S.S. in my head, and it is ā€œmy Disney codeā€ and that it all that it means.


I have never, ever seen that in chat and it could be referenced 100 times at least in a week.

@missoverexcited can post it whatever way she wants.


Iā€™m sure I remember a thread in chat in which there was (perhaps faux) disquiet about ASS and AS2 was proposed.

ASS is fun because you can say things like ā€œI really like ASSā€. It reminds me of Jesus College at the University of Cambridge. You can say things like, ā€œI have a friend in Jesus.ā€


Yes, when Toy Story Land first opened there was a discussion.

Wait, what is MILF?

The ride or the other thing?



:joy: The ride! I do know the other thing. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Edited to add: Okay, I looked up a list of attractions and figured it out!


I call it AS2 and I think many people on chat do - I only started because I saw so many others do it. But maybe they stopped since and Iā€™m the only one left :joy: I do remember there were people in chat who didnā€™t want to call it ASS.


I said you decide!

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I guess itā€™s both?!

That is fine with me. It would be nice instead of a thread if it could be pinned where it could easily be seen. Just my thoughts.:grinning:

The thread is pinned. Thereā€™s no other way to post here except with a thread.

ETA not this thread, the acronyms one that is in the second post on this one.

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The abreviation for Alien Swirling Saucers is EARL (drawn out)

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Coming soon:
Flounderā€™s Underwater Crustacean Kitchen and Tarzanā€™s Interactive Treetop Spectacle


@sanstitre_has_left_the_building why canā€™t I PM you?

I thought Iā€™d dealt with this issue. Thereā€™s a setting buried somewhere that needs changing and I donā€™t know where it is. Or what it is.

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I think you set it to private?

Nope- it is here?