A Stitch in Time saves Nine

This is one of my favorite attractions!! It’s a must do for us.


Sunday was our final day - Animal Kingdom and the flights home.

SIL and family decided they were wiped out and didn’t want to hit the parks, so they had a slow morning at the hotel and ended up bowling in Disney Springs.

Me and my 3 boys had a 10:00 appt for Wild Africa Trek! Super fun, great cast members to lead us around. I haven’t gotten the pictures yet, but they are great!

Younger boys wanted to hit Everest, so I sent them through the single rider line while I found a beverage and place in the shade. YDS came out, but no MDS … still no MDS … and he doesn’t have his phone. Get DH and ODS involved in the hunt, no sign of him. We’re all getting stressed and I’m about to get cast members involved (for my 13yo!!) when I find him wandering around the front of the park. No idea what he was thinking, but now we’re all hot, tired, and cranky. We duck into the Feathered Friends in Flight Show (another thing we’d always wanted to do, but never seemed to make happen). Just what we needed to turn the mood around. DH got selected as volunteer to have a bird take a dollar from his outstretched hand (and return it). I got a great video :slight_smile:


Flight home was a bit of a shitshow. And I ended up with a horrific sore throat (not strep, apparently viral).

But overall a great trip. Sad to be back to real life.

Oh, and I realized I forgot to cover our down day. We did Chef Mickeys (meh) and Hoop Dee Doo - which delighted everyone. And somewhere in there we went to Homecomin’ for dinner - excellent meal, even though we got absolutely DRENCHED getting to the restaurant.


I had one of these a couple of weeks before my trip! It was awful. I was so glad it didn’t turn into a cough though – that’s my absolute least favorite symptom.