A few random questions

Can someone explain the WAT thing? I have clearly missed something.

Wild Africa Trek, a tour in AK.

Right, I know that part, I feel there’s a context I’m missing though. Like why is that the specific acronym being used?

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I think they were trying to be punny😂

I used the acronym (WAT) in a response to someone. They scolded me and said that I shouldn’t use acronyms that aren’t commonly known as it’s not helpful. They didn’t want to believe me when I tried to say that people DO know what WAT is. I was clearly very very naughty that day and I was spoken to firmly

Who was that anyway?

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…oh hell… it wasn’t me was it?? I seriously don’t remember that.


No it wasn’t you.

I do wish I could remember who it was though. They were vehement in their insistence that I was wrong.


Oh phew!

I was actually sitting here wondering “when would I have done that? There must’ve been a joke in there that I didn’t communicate right! Do I apologize or apologise? Wait, I’m not British so I don’t need to misspell it. Oh god, am I going to die alone? Where did I leave my damn lens cap?”

… ok, so the thoughts kinda got away from me… but the point is: I’m glad it wasn’t me.

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It’s too late to 'pologize


Sigh… and now that song’s in my head.


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(It’s too late)


What ride is this? I forget…

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Got me 10’ off the groooouuuunnnndddd!


Likes Over Losers

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OMG @Randall1028 how did you find it so fast?

Also that individual was mean to me again this weekend.

They come by their screen name honestly


Lactate Or Leave? A Mothers only ride. Good in theory but A mess in practice.


It’s true. It can be messy business. But once you get the hang of it you can manage two at one time and still drive. Ask Brittany Spears

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Took several search phrases. It was definitely buried.



I have not been before… heck, this will only be my 2nd trip to WDW! I will keep watch for the Cadaver Dans! we like that sort of thing! I like to SEE the characters not necessarily MEET them, so they are not on my priority list… I think the Party Merch will be tho!! kinda really excited! thank you so much for your suggestions!!

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