6 Day Base Ticket vs 4 Day Hopper?

Looking at tickets on Undercover Tourist it is cheaper to buy a 6 day basic ticket (one park per day) than a 4 day hopper ticket. Can I use one basic ticket at one park (ie MK) then use another basic ticket that night (ie Epcot)? We like the Hopper flexibility but don’t always use it.



A 6 day ticket means 6 days, can’t visit 2 parks in one day without the hopper. If you’re only visiting for 4 days, you need a 4 day ticket.

Thanks! That’s what I was wondering.

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If you haven’t seen it before - I have a long running thread here in the forum on using convention tickets to save money.

You’ll likely find buying through a con site will be cheaper or sometimes around the UT price - but on multi-day con tix you get a free water park and more (mini golf, golf) ticket, plus you can pay with Disney gift cards. If you get the GCs at a discount (easy 5% at Target, more other ways) you can shave off more savings.

Check out the first 2 posts in this thread for an overview. 2nd post I try to keep updated with the latest reports and info. (A lot of posts in the middle will have old info, but you may want to read some of the more recent posts too.)
