2024 Hurricane Season



Assuming this is the picture on 12th (I know it will change), how does it affect flights? Mine goes to NY, then I have to take one from NY to Orlando.


Timing will be key. About 5 days out you will have a much better idea. It may be worth it to be flexible with plans (changing flight times, booking a refundable room near NY airport and have refundable back up flight booked. )


Don’t judge me, I was never good in Geography, but just saw on Google maps where New York is. Seems safe to me, at least for the first part of the flight. Problem could be the second flight I guess.



Need to be flexible

Last month @Flavita switched her flight to Orlando to a flight to Jacksonville in northern Florida. They rented a car and drove to Orlando.

It did look like - at one point - that the flight home from Jacksonville might be impacted by the remnants of a hurricane. But it was not. The storm was slower than expected if I remember correctly.

Are you leaning new vocabulary with this hurricane talk?

Also, yellow should not affect flights

Maybe orange might

Red - stronger tropical storms - might affect flights.


FWIW. The colors on this map don’t correlate directly to strength. They are probabilities.


This is true

Somewhat misleading to folks that might not understand probability, graphs or maps. Or storms.

I was planning to drive to Florida - between Tallahassee and Tampa when a tropical storm was forecast to arrive. My sister in law was concerned but with the forecasts as they were, I was not.

Until they changed and I rescheduled my trip. And Hurricane Michael closed I-10 and several rest areas. Among other things.

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I’m one of the OG lasik people. It cost like $5000 back in 1992. Now it’s like $200 per eye?

I’m still waiting for my 3rd cataract consult :confounded:

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Are you implying the lasik has some connection to the cataracts?

I’m not fully understanding how the hurricane thread is also a lasik and eye thread, but to add my own story, I worked with my eye doctor last year to see if I was a candidate and turns out my eyes are so bad plus being over 40 that there is not enough cornea for the procedure to work well (basically I wouldn’t have good enough vision to not still need corrective lenses of some sort plus all the potential side effects). So. Contacts it is for me unless and until that doesn’t work and then it’s glasses. Also I will definitely die early in the zombie apocalypse as my eyesight is awful.


The connection is rainy glasses lenses. Or how to keep them dry.

From there to not needing them was a small step for Liners. :blush:


Oh no no no! There’s no connection, just that I need more stuff done to my eyes

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Welcome to Touring Plans Forum, where threads get derailed all.the.time. :slight_smile:
Since this thread is basically forced to course correct back to storms as new weather forecasts come in, it doesn’t stay derailed for long.


There ARE some risks to lasik, but I don’t think cataracts is one of them.

For me, while the idea of being free of glasses is appealing, I had a friend who had lasik, and within ten years he was back to wearing glasses. And now that I have bifocals, I’d need glasses regardless. So there is little point. It does seem each time I go in for my annual eye exam, my prescription has changed slightly.


And here I thought you knew us. :nerd_face:


There is still so much time for things to change. It looks like you’ll make it to Orlando before any potential impacts from that one colored yellow, if it forms. When are you scheduled to leave?

I know how easy it is to get caught up in the forecast though, even as someone that has experience with hurricanes. We live on Long Island, NY - sometimes hurricanes make it up here.

In August 2011, we were at Disney (from Sunday the 21 to Saturday the 27) and Hurricane Irene was headed straight towards Florida. As a point of reference, on Sunday 21, the hurricane made landfall in Puerto Rico. Soon after, it made landfall in the Bahamas as a Category 3. All the experts thought for sure that it was going to make landfall in FL. We spent so much time watching the weather, hemming and hawing about being in Disney during a hurricane. Should we leave early? Should we wait it out? My DH and MIL were obsessed. My mom and I are severe weather junkies and thought it would be epic. :sweat_smile:


Then, on Thursday (we were due to fly home on Saturday), our flight got cancelled. Because the hurricane, instead of hitting in FL, was headed straight towards New York and was supposed to make landfall on that Saturday. The soonest they could rebook us was the following Thursday. An additional week! We went into full crisis mode, trying to figure out a way to get home before the storm hit. We could fly into Pennsylvania, but the bridges were scheduled to close, so that wouldn’t work. We could drive, but same problem with the bridges. Oh and there were 7 of us there. DH and I, our moms, and our 3 kids DS15, DS13 and DD7. Driving would have been a nightmare. Other than a cargo van, there was nothing that would fit all of us and our luggage.

We went down to the front desk and asked if we could stay. We were at Wilderness Lodge in a 2 bdr on DVC points. To stay in our room would have been $900/night. We were not in the financial position to do that. They offered to transfer us to the All Star Music resort - 2 studios at $35/night each. Done.

We then spent the next 3 days hemming and hawing about what was happening at home until the storm made final landfall in NY. There was flooding, but overall, nothing major to worry about. Our ‘bonus’ vacation-- after the storm hit and we were assured that everything at home was ok-- was absolutely glorious. However, we spent so much time during our original vacation worried about the storm, that we really didn’t enjoy it.

My advice to you, as hard as it is to do, is to try to relax and let it go. Be ready to pivot when the time comes, but try not to worry so much that it gets in the way of enjoying the planning and experience of your vacation. You’re going to have an amazing time. If things go sideways while you’re there, just come here to the forum and we’ll help you through it. Collectively, we have a TON of experience.


So arriving is on 12th from Madrid to Newark, then Newark to Orlando MCO. Leaving on 22th from Orlando to Newark and then to Madrid. I don’t have to work til 25th.


We live 30 minutes from Galveston near the Texas coast and storm watch all hurricane season. We fly from Texas to Florida on the 7th. I dont care what happens once we land, although an opportunity, I mean a decision based on storm safety, to stay longer would be fine with me. :laughing: We only get to visit once every several years and while its not ideal, I’ll be content sleeping, eating, and shopping at Disney World!!


Haha very true!

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Nah not all the time. Just plenty of times! :rofl: