2021 Hurricane season updates

also wow even I’m in the medium purple!

I live in this area:
image in b/w Austin and Round Rock


Yeah, that’s the problem. Some models are showing it pushing through, some are saying it’s going to stall. We need to be prepared for a stall and hope for a push!

They’re telling everyone to pick where they’re going to ride it out and get situated ASAP. We don’t want people caught out in it. It should only be a Cat 1 at worst, so people just need to focus on flood concerns. There could be some tornadoes, but those are a dice roll, so no sense planning for them.

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I do not pay attention to this stuff. We had a tornado once (I’m in Cedar Park if you know where that is) and there was one a mile or two from my house. My mom had to call me and tell me to get in a closet (The only two areas that don’t have windows in my house are a huge closet and a bathroom. The closet is more comfortable. So the two littles at the time like 3 and 6yo and the two- 50 lb dogs and me all in a closet for an hour or so…good times…lol)

So I’d have been like that lady at your store. Luckily my hubby just always keeps bottles of water on hand. If there was a zombie apocalypse I’m going out in the first round I tell ya.


They’ve got the hurricane hunter planes out so expect to feed a whole lot of data in for the 10pm run and give us a better read on things.

Because the current center of the storm reformed off the spaghetti completely.

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Oh, and back “on topic”…not a lot of news about the now-orange bit east of Florida.

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Oh…I have a friend in Pflugerville. I guess I need to check in with them and make sure they are preparing…


Stay safe Texas!!!

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Oh. Man. I forgot to fill my gas tank today when I was out. I am in the habit of stopping at Costco. But today I was in a hurry.

Boo. Boo. Boo.

Maybe I’m sending hubs for gas at 6 am. :woman_facepalming:

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Shoot! I didn’t think to tag you because I figured you’d be in the seasonal groove already. :flushed:

I think this is gonna be more rain than wind though.

Ironically, I AM in the groove. Just also school, a friend’s birthday, opening weekend of soccer, sick animals, and snotty nosed kids (playing is it allergies? Is it covid?), and I remembered I needed gas when I drove to pick up groceries - routine is to get gas then every week - but I hadn’t been able to go home after spending 1.5 hrs at the vet and was sooooo thirsty and there was a child to pick up. And I just drove right by and then came home to do the other 4500 things. And now just remembering. Ugh.


I have a friend in Houston whose house was destroyed in Harvey. She was in a neighborhood that was “not in a flood zone”. But Harvey was such a crazy storm, all bets were off. They rebuilt on stilts. All my fingers are crossed that the rainfall is slower so drainage can keep up.


Something like this


These are some interesting pictures that are interactive.

The one labeled “A flooded soccer field at Clarence E. Sasser Park in Pearland.” is less than a mile from my house.

But it’s a little misleading in that it’s only a soccer field secondarily. It’s a huge retention area they were required to dig when they built the subdivision next to ours. They repurposed it into soccer/baseball fields, knowing it would still primarily be used as drainage. And it worked great. I don’t think any of the houses in my subdivision or that one flooded during Harvey. (People actually sent thank you letters to the engineers, everyone was so grateful.). The older areas of town, built more than 20 years ago, before all the requirements, weren’t so lucky.

Our streets here are actually designed to flood. There is just no practical way to handle the type of rainfall we get otherwise, even in normal gulf conditions let alone these biggies. They are actually considered part of the drainage system. The fails are when the water gets into structures. So it’s super important people get themselves situated before the flooding starts, pick their parking carefully, and be prepared to hunker down. (Our neighborhood drainage is so good that our neighborhood streets don’t even flood, but the main thoroughfares will.)

School was cancelled today. We’re getting rain bands already since about 5am. We’re all situated and won’t need to budge for however long necessary. There is some roadway flooding already.

And here’s your “on topic” bit:


All the things cancelled. Now checking on elderly people who don’t listen to “stay home” recommendations.


Goodness, be careful what you volunteer for!

Just a quick checkin to let everyone know so far, so good. But, yeah, good ole Nick decided to become a hurricane, he’s making landfall ~60 miles from me, and apparently plans to pass right over my house. (Yellow X)

So this storm has been a bit erratic…

It’s got a bit higher wind than expected, but so far a lot less rain and it’s moving rather slowly but doesn’t seem to be stalling (knock on wood). So no one should be getting 60”, hopefully. :sweat_smile:

We briefly lost internet but otherwise all utilities holding up. We’ve only gotten about 2.5” of rain so far but it’s quite gusty out. Been like this for a couple hours know:

We’ve got a couple fairly minor habitual roof leaks that can’t handle side wise rain that we’re monitoring, but they’re in the attic with drip pans in place so are just an annoyance.

Also, so far it doesn’t seem to be spawning tornadoes and the only lighting has really been in the first heavy band early this morning. Unfortunately, the lightning hit a house about a mile from me and caused a significant house fire. The family got out ok.

They expect more rain overnight and a lot more power outages. I’m on the fence about going to bed or staying up until it goes overhead.

Also, the plan was for Texas to take the hit so Louisiana could be spared! Apparently, Nick plans to hook a right and head their direction after it passes through Houston, so he is being exceptionally naughty.


Hope you are still holding up ok! Pecans pelting my house so now I’m awake. But the wobble east took us out of the most direct path of the storm. DH’s parents are near you and I’m a little worried for them, but know they will stay put.

Also, saw your name pop in the comments on our favorite weatherman’s update. Online worlds colliding. :joy:

I mean. I’m still within this forecast. Just now more at the edge.



Yeah, we’re in the eye wall right now. Going to bed after it passes. :sweat_smile:

Can’t believe we still have power! :crossed_fingers:


This one made me think of you, @amvanhoose_701479 . Hope you and all the other Texans are hanging in there.


Well that’s…something :crazy_face:

Still gusty here on the north side of town with occasional power flickers, but really can’t complain.


Bingo card :white_check_mark:

Sounds like an…interesting…guy! :no_mouth:

Things calmed down significantly after the eye wall passed so I was able to sleep.

I took this video when the eye wall was passing on the sheltered side of the house. (It was blowing sideways into the opposite side and was significantly worse.)

Amazingly, we never lost power, just a lot of flickering. We got about 3 more inches of water, so about 5 total over about 24 hours. It’s lightly raining off and on now but the winds are mostly gone.

Things had settled enough this morning that DH went for a run. Huge areas without power, some fences and trees down but not a lot of visible property damage. Hearing scattered reports of trees falling on cars and into houses, but not widespread in our area despite being in the path (It was downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical storm shortly after it passed over us).

Our local weather guy says now he wants candy corn. :sweat_smile:

This is NOT how this was supposed to work. Houston had to call home our line crews working on power restoration in Louisiana to prep for Nick, so I’m sure all the mutual aid resources are stretched super thin right now. These are still outages from Ida. :persevere:

And then add this. :flushed:
