£1 = $1.20

Don’t forget the part where they have the guests on the ride vote as to whether they think it is safe for the ride to start. As they all are, you know, roller coaster safety experts…


I should point out that, originally, they were looking to install “The Brexit” in Fantasyland.

Way too soon.

That’s about right. But you “hearted” @ryan1’s post, which makes you a traitor.

That’s legitimately hilarious.

As is that.

Woah! Too on the nose.


Fantasyland rides have to have at least some amount of realism to them

I don’t think he did. That is a DIFFERENT “R” icon. Notice the difference in coloring?

What about $1 Cad = .76 cents USD. Now that sucks :confused:

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Do hearts have the some exchange rate as dollars and pounds?

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How am I supposed to know? I don’t have one.

Oh yes. Good point.

@Randall1028, I apologise for accusing you of being a traitor. You are a loyal soldier of the anti-@ryan1 campaign.



Oi! It’s up from 1CAD=73 cents USD! It’s a good thing.

Ugh. I really wanted to heart that.

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Oh. That’s sad.



It’s not just Brexit, though. The Euro is near historic lows against the dollar- $1.13. @Ariadne pointed out the weak Canadian dollar, too.

It’s just the US being its superior self.:wink: Nothing like being the world’s reserve currency, as well as having a booming economy.

Have a Happy 4th of July, everyone.:us:


I hearted this, but apparently that’s only worth about 0.84 of yours.


Which is almost entirely down to me spending my entire income (and some) on Disney and Apple products.

Feel free to thank me for keeping you people afloat.


(You win the internets today.)

It’s like, like, oh-I-don’t-know… it’s like America’s been made great … or something.

(Insert the stupid grin of someone who didn’t pull the trigger because the thread-train’s already listing off the track.)

I took two trips to Canada in 2017 and one this year - I’m trying to help…

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Boy, as an American, I wish I could visit Britain this summer!
I remember visiting London for 11 days in 2008 and the exchange rate was $2 = 1 pound.
So for us Americans everything was double…Yikes!
No wonder so many of my friends are aboard!

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Crummy for coming this way, but that exchange rate was great for my trip to the UK a few weeks ago. We definitely spent more than we otherwise would have. It also explains the massive number of Americans in London.


Yup. I’m rising to that bait.

When wasn’t America great?

Here’s the S&P 500 from the end of the Carter administration to the present day.

It’s been rising pretty much relentlessly.

Things really started going during the Clinton administrations. There was a drop during the first Bush administration (9/11) and again at the end of the second Bush administration (global financial crisis).

In particular, it rose in pretty much a straight line throughout the two Obama administrations. A trend which has continued during the Trump administration.

So it’s not clear to me when — if this is the measure — America was not great.