Yes Day Plan at WDW for 6 Year Old and Dad

My 6 Year old decided for his special day he wants to go to WDW, specifically Magic Kingdom with just me. How do you turn that down? We went last with him when he was 3 and struggled with the then brand new G+ and the final months of COVID restrictions.

We’ve been to Disneyland in August and that really turned him around on the parks (How couldn’t it). So I know generally what rides he would want to do (Buzz is his favorite).

The fun part here is we have no fixed dates (outside of sometime in the next couple months), so I’m thinking to target VM party dates and purchase a park hopper to focus on MK during the day with low wait times and hop to Epcot for LwTL and Harmonious at night. Zero chance he will make it to midnight.

The bad part is I have no hotel or flights reserved so this would be a total last minute jam.

My immediate thought was December 2-4 and buy a 1-3 day ticket, and try to scope a DVC rental over on the DVC you there thread.

Let me know any thoughts. This feels like a fun fantasy planning activity for Touring Plans. I’m happy to benefit from any suggestions


That sounds like so much fun!!!

I have never done a day with just a 6-year-old, though I have been with a 6-year-old several times as one member of a larger party. :smiling_face: That has the potential to be a lot more fun for the child since you can cater to their needs and mood.

I would emphasize to be flexible and zig when their emotions zag. I guess the idea is for them to choose what to do on the day of? Or will there be certain pre-determined constraints?


Yes definitely letting him pick the activities with some suggestions as he really doesnt know everything there. Constraints would be the parks and hotels as we would pick those ahead.

I might require peoplemover and or LWtL.


DS6 recently told me that next trip he doesn’t want to ride “the human transport”.


Sounds like it went through a couple rounds of Google translate. :rofl::rofl:


Aw :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::face_holding_back_tears:
That’s awesome! Happy for you.


Sounds awesome!

Early December is the most popular time of the year for DVC though. Unless you found a confirmed reservation you’re unlikely to get any DVC room. They get pretty much booked out 10-11 months out.


True, definitely would be only able to grab confirmed. Off-site hotel would be the backup option.

It seems the crowds are still low on party days? I was kind of banking on that given the rest of the month looks terrible crowd wise.

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In my experience crowds have been relatively low during early December — not like dead but not holiday level either. It’s just DVC that is in high demand because it’s cheaper then.

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Quick update, we bumped out to the end of January value season. Now just to keep checking for pop century to open up a room…

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Just in case you haven’t tried yet: you may have better luck finding a room by entering longer dates than the ones you need into the search field.

When you book, you only make a down payment for the first night, and then you’ll need to call to cancel the extra nights you don’t need. It’s annoying to have to do it this way, but this approach has really helped me for 1 or 2 night stays where the resorts I wanted were showing no availability (but then showed availability for a 3/4/5 night stay that covered the same dates).


Good idea. It’s crazy how popular Pop Century has gotten, I’m thinking of booking Caribbean beach instead, it seems its not as clear that it also has Skyliner access I guess.

Edit: Wow, that worked way easier than I even expected. Thank you