I made a plan for Epcot and it’s advising to go to the Seas main tank for 10 mins and then head over to Soarin’. It’s there some reason not to go to Soarin’ first? We don’t have early entry but will be there half an hour or so in advance of main opening.
No idea why it would tell you to do that. But I would definitely NOT follow that instruction
Can you share the plan here so we can troubleshoot?
I’m not sure how to share a plan here.
I can’t figure it out in the app and I’m not near my laptop
But if you’re on a computer in the area where you can edit the details such as when you will arrive and what date and so forth there is a button that says share this plan. It will generate a link that you can copy and paste here
And thanks for confirming that this makes no sense
There are toggles in the plan as oh customize that you can slide. One is for walking speed. The other goes between “walk less” and “wait less”. I wonder if you have it toggled all
The way to “walk less” based on the order I’m seeing?
No, it’s set to ‘balanced’
It is sending you there because TP, by default, will prioritize “lowest wait” above everything else.
Optimizing your plan is a great FIRST draft. See what they predict then feel free to shuffle attractions around to meet your route. Then “EVALUATE” your plan to see how shuffling affected things.
Also you could try Optimising a few times. You might find it changes until it settles upon a plan.
At this point save a copy of the plan, in case you want to revert back to it.
Then, as @darkmite2 said, you can move a few things and try Evaluating.
Tagging on to this. In the app when i optimize or evaluate it spins and spins, like even for hours. How do you know ita done? Ive been struggling with it not paying attention to my BBB and chatacter dining reservation too. So frustrating
Well that’s only partly true. It will move things around to have your lowest wait overall, all other things considered. So it doesn’ tmake sense to send someone to an independently driven attraction when a popular one whose lines grow quickly is on the list
I would send it to the webmaster for review @robynkoz_901753
Refreshing the page usually frees it up for me? It should take moments, never hours.
Thanks ive tried for days on and off.