Why Does Optimizer Move Breaks to End of the Day?

I’ve been working on a couple personalized touring plans for friends in December and have now twice had the touring plans Optimizer stick breaks at the end of the day, even after optimizing multiple times. I don’t mind moving the break times maybe 15-30 minutes, but moving them hours apart isn’t very helpful. This sorta defeats the purpose of a midday break, doesn’t it?

To be fair, I’ll usually start a touring plan by cramming in too many steps and removing items that I find don’t fit, so I’m pretty confident that as I do that the break fill eventually fall back into place. Thus, I’m not sure there is a problem here, though if there were some way to anchor breaks to prevent them from moving too far in touring plans, then that would be great. Otherwise, if there’s some other logic here that I’m missing, I’d appreciate if someone could help me understand.

Can you post a link to the plan? It could be a couple of things, and I can take a look. Thanks!

@len, thanks for the quick response. I’ve been modifying the plans by removing steps and eventually got the breaks to go back in place, though I saw the same thing in the Studios and Epcot. I think the problem has to do with shows (or mini-shows, like the Epcot holidays around the world) that mostly occur in the afternoon, during the desired break times. My hope would be to treat the break as something that cannot move, rather than using the show times as a constraint.

In any case, sorry to not have an active problem touring plan at the moment (since I’m in the middle of working on mine). Maybe I’ll try to re-create the problem this evening.