I’m planning on ordering groceries for our upcoming trip. We are planning on packing some food and snacks to take with us to the parks. Can anyone give me some examples of things they order for easy breakfasts and snacks? We are staying at POP …so no kitchenette. Thanks!
Thinking about this myself. I can’t think of many things that aren’t obvious, but going to list them to try to help get the thoughts flowing.
Protein fill you up thoughts (mostly snacks):
Meat jerky
Wrapped Cheese (not sure of the brand names we get)
Blueberries, strawberries, apples for room breakfast.
Multi-grain bread (I can eat it plain… I’m weird… maybe some creme cheese to go with it?)
Granola type bars
Pecans/walnuts/cashews - healthy and fill you up
Mint flavored thin oreos… I don’t know why, but we love 'em better than normal oreos
Doritos - light to carry around, salty when overdone on sweets, and has oil to fill you up
Rice crispie treats - just good
I’d suggest keeping it simple. There are plenty of threads about this in every Wallycentric forum. You’ll find plenty of ideas. Do what makes sense for you, of course, but here’s a few things that make sense for us:
Starbucks Via.
Shelf stable milk / soymilk. Unopened ones can be kept out of the fridge so they don’t take up the valuable space inside the fridge
Boxes of cereal
Plastic or paper bowls and spoons (and other silverware / plates.)
Loaf of bread
Peanut Butter
I always stop at a store for decent quality deli meats.
Apples/Bananas/chips/trail mix / candy (I tend to never travel without Dots or Twizzlers, I’d probably feel lost.)
For carrying snacks:
Honey Roasted peanuts
Starbucks Via
Granola bars
“ Wallycentric forum”…I tried looking this up on google. What is it? Anyways…thanks for your advice. I appreciate the ideas.
I think just any general walt disney forum type websites, like this one. I found a couple here:
We always buy plenty of protein bars and other breakfasty packaged things that don’t require any heating or fridge. We have them in the room so that we can eat “breakfast” in the room and then get an early start. The pop tarts and always a favorite, and beef jerky.
Like others have said, it’s what your family likes to eat and what hotel resources you have to work with. It also depends on your food budget and family’s eating style.
For our (me, DH, DD21, and DS19) December 2019 trip to WDW for 15 days, I bought 12 instant noodle bowls with us on the plane. I bought my hot pot. I also threw in some tea bags, forks, paper plates, crackers, pieces of foil, and zip lock bags. We had an empty carry on suitcase after we ate/used all the stuff. I knew we could get cups from the hotel. Once there, we had a car to go to Costco and the Winn-Dixie. We bought:
Sport-topped bottles of water (We do not like the taste of filling station water but the water we get at QS is fine. Everyone gets a new water bottle each day and refill it during the the day.)
Sparking water
Half gallon of milk (Resort stores also carry half gallons of milk for roughly the same price. We returned the car and relied on the resort store to buy milk every other day.)
Lunch meat
Apple sauce pouches
Sliced cheese
Fruits (Mostly ones that don’t need refrigeration.)
Bagged spinach to throw into the instant noodles
Chicken Caesar salads from Costco’s food court
On this past trip, I learned only DH wants breakfast when we have to RD and nobody was big on snacking (even though I budgeted everyone to have 2 snacks/day at the park; only 1 - 1/2 snacks/person/day at the park were eaten). We had Costco chicken Caesar salads for lunch one day and two lunches worth of lunch meat and cheese rolls (instead of sandwiches). We ate 3 dinners worth of instant noodles with a handful of spinach thrown in, leftover prime rib for Story Book Dining, and lunch meat.
Eating packed lunches not only saved money but time. Lines for food can be long. Lunch meat and cheese rolls can be easily and discretely eaten in lines and quickly wrapped up when it was our turn (We ate them in line for MFSR and Buzz.). The salads required us to find a place to sit. We thought it was weird to eat a container of salad in line but we saw other people bring a plate of bought food to eat in line. We had a small cooler back pack, which we all took turns carrying before lunch.
We ate the noodles for dinner on our arrival day and shorter park days. It was a comfy type of food.
Just any site/forum dedicated to Walt (Wally) Disney World advice. There are bunches of them just like this one. Well, maybe not as good as this one.
We were concerned about getting motion sick if we rope dropped on empty stomachs, especially the 2 taking Dramamine. (Everyone in our family seems to do better on light meals.)
We had everyone eat one of these en route every morning and it worked great. (I think the combination of fiber and protein and sugar helps.)
A couple of us are motion sick prone too, so a lighter breakfast works out for us usually. I heard completely empty isn’t ideal… but definitely nothing too heavy or sugary. We have a ton of ginger candy and pills… hoping that will help prevent issues.
Granola bars. Pop tarts. Water flavor enhancers. Bottled water. Goldfish pretzels.
Most food courts will have plastic utensils and napkins.
There’s nothing weird about eating good, fresh bread on its own. I mean, it’s better with some butter or olive oil. And cheese. And a glass of wine. But it’s fine on its own too. If it’s good. And fresh.
meal template 2019.pdf (252.9 KB)
Can you see this? We did this in November.
We ended up packing throughout the end of the trip as well, just repeating what we’d taken the first half.