Which Do you Like Better? A quick survey

option A

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Option A.
Agree with stacking estimated and posted waits.


Option A. It’s easier to read.

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I second this suggestion.

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Option A

Is the heart something we pre-populate and it filters to just that or is it feedback from us after riding? I’m not sure what it is or if it’s really needed.
Could you put the Ride Now suggestion in Green? Amber could be the may as well ride, lines aren’t dropping (I forget how that is phrased - sorry) and Red would be the Wait…shorter lines soon. That RAG status + the wait time are my key decision components. And it would be easy for aging eyes to see while weaving through pedestrians (ahem, not that I would ever do such a thing).


Option A although I am trying to figure out how “wait to ride” will appear on option A?

I have to also say that although I almost always go by the “expected wait” times , with that as the main time in view I am dreading all the posts regarding the times being off (even by 3 minutes).


Option A

Feels less cluttered, less wordy, easier to see the information.

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Option A.

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Option B.


Option A

Although I don’t think you need the star rating. Is the heart because the user can “favorite attractions”? If so, I would prioritize that over the star rating. Could be cool to favorite attractions and filter for those to show up first. (In which case the star could be there until it is marked as a favorite)


Option A
Because it has a better wait time!

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Option A

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Option A

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Option A

But I don’t think I want the star rating.

And I totally agree with @Shakeout that I’d like to see the Expected/Posted times stacked.
I also agree with @AlyQ that a color for the “Ride Now” vs “Wait” would be helpful.


Option A
I like having the estimated wait time and when to ride recommendation together. I don’t need the height restriction or star rating on either - to visually streamline.

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@len, I have to say I’m surprised you didn’t use the survey feature on this site for this.
It would’ve made tallying this up easier!


Option B.

Solely because I think having the expected and posted wait times next to each other is the biggest factor for my personal usability. In every other respect, I prefer Option A. I like @Shakeout 's mockup as a good combination.


Option A
Information seems easier to read.

Option A

I find it easier to quickly read :+1:t2:

Option A.