When to do 1st visit to Oga's and Savi's on CL 9-10

Visiting SWL for the 1st time ever on the Sunday prior to Easter (CL8 but I expect higher), and then we’ll be back that Wed. night for HS After Hours. My preference would be to save the 7p and later time on Wed. for Fantasmic! and the 3 hours of after-hours for doing attractions without lines. Assume we will be buying Genie+, possibly attempting rope drop, and springing for ILL for RoR. If we don’t do rope drop, I will do some G+ stacking. The question becomes when to schedule Oga’s and Savi’s Workshop on Sunday. I want to have our ADRs but not interfere too much with our ability to do attractions as G+ allows. Please advise. Thanks!

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I would schedule Savi’s after RotR- maybe after lunch or later. With Oga’s are you going for drinks? Do you day drink? My personal preference would be have pre or post dinner drinks at Ogas but it’s probably busier then. I wouldn’t load up the mornings with ADRs if you are planning to RD. And if your not RDing, I would want to get a few rides in before ADRs.

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