Hi. We’re taking our first trip to Disney World in December. I have enjoyed using the touring plans to see the best way to tour the parks. Unfortunately, I had made and tweaked my personalized touring plans prior to choosing fast passes. Then got our fast passes at times based on the touring plans. I saw other posts that the wait times for attractions had changed, so I did “evaluate” in all of my touring plans. Now all my times are very different, compared to what they were before. At what point do you suggest that I do the “real” touring plan so that this doesn’t happen again? Thanks.
Wait times are updated constantly including and most accurately the day you are in the park. Suggest you re-optimize everts few attractions or if you take longer than expected deviations from the plan.
About 2 weeks before the start of a month WDW will do the “final” update of its park hours and release them on the TA site - for this December that will be at http://media.disneywebcontent.com/StaticFiles/ParkHours/WDWTravelAgent_December.pdf
Once TouringPlans has updated the park hours in their system they will update their wait time predictions, so you should re-run your plans then. An easy way to watch for this is to “track” your days in the Crowd Calendar and you will receive an e-mail when the predictions change.
All that being said, the closer to your actual park date that you re-run, the more accurate your plan should be.
Thank you for the quick responses. I guess if I understand, then we would do best to start evaluating more near the end of November without getting too attached to our touring plan now and then optimize in the parks. That way it’s better to follow the touring plan, even if it tells us to make changes to what was there before?
I’m at 18 days, and having gotten the final two FPPs that I wanted, I have determined that my PFFs are “finalized”. I may or may not reoptimize “on the fly” as I’m touring; if the crowds are as low as they are predicted to be, I’ll probably just go with what I have.
That’s what I would do. Likely some if your FPP’s will be fixed but most definitely think of everything else as flexible. For example, TP may get user information about longer (or shorter) waits for- say- the Mansion on the day you’re at the MK. By reoptimizing, you’ll be able to capture that info better and make course corrections.