When sharing Memory Make does it show up in your MDE?

Last year I did a share (as a participant) and I remember being able to see the MM on my MDE. I also have an email confirming with the leader that I could see it. This year I am not able to see the MM on MDE. Has something changed, or is something wonky with our MM? Thanks!

I was not able to see MM on the MDE app at all. I could see it on the desktop version after a lot of searching. In the end everything worked as expected.

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I only use the desktop version…I have a Blackberry so the app isn’t an option. I’m looking under MDE>My Plans>Tickets & Memory Maker and it’s not there :frowning:

I just noticed that you are not the one that has the MM. In that case I have no idea, I could see my MM only on the website, but I was the one that bought it. Sorry for the confusion!

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I was Able to see the pic on the app. They did have the watermark across it. I did make a faux dining reservation with the leader of the mm share. Not sure if that makes a difference

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If you didn’t buy it, you won’t see it. You will also still see watermarks.

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Is that a recent thing? I know I could see it last year when we did this.

Do you already have access to the dummy account that owns the MM? You would be able to see it there

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Not yet. None of us have even gone on the trip yet. The leader says that her husband can see it on his account. None of the other people she has asked have been able to see it. Maybe it’s fine. I just know I could see it 2 months before my trip last year. Thankfully, I’m the last in the group to travel so if there is an issue I will know and can suck it up and buy my own.

Don’t think so - I don’t even think I could see it in the 2017 when I was part of a share but didn’t own it. You can see it in the dummy account for sure though.

That’s so weird. I can see in my email chain from last summer that I told the leader I could see it in June. She didn’t give us the dummy account login stuff until August. So I must have been seeing it in my own MDE. I’m probably just overthinking this and it will all be fine.

I have run three shares. In prior shares participants linked to the MM account could see the confirmation. This year they could not. Also it was more difficult to add family and friends and in some cases I needed their reservation number.The download methodology also changed this time. I do not give out the account user and password for fear someone will transfer it before the downloading starts so there is some trust that the person running the share has integrity

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I have faith in the person running it. I do not have faith in Disney IT!

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That is reassuring. Thank you!

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I’m the second one on this trip, by one day. So Group 1 and I will be there at the same time. Hopefully it will work out.
I have no plan to edit pictures. I just want the images as is. I figure worst case scenario is she downloads them to a stick and mails them to me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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I don’t really have plans to modify either. My worst fear is that it’s not really connected and none of the pictures load onto the MM. According to googfygal315 we should be fine though.

I have AP, So I asked an MDE friend what the pics looks like on her end after a trip back in July. They are watermarked (I blurred the people)

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It’s not the pics I’m wondering about, it’s being able to see the actual Memory Maker linked to my MDE.

As long as you are linked in MDE to the person that has MM you should have no issues. The person with the MM linked to there account is the only one that can see the photos without the watermark is my understanding of how it works…

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Yes exactly! If you log into the dummy account you can see it purchased but I’m your own MDE it will be watermarked and all pics will need to be downloaded from that account. My trip was the last of a Sept share and they always show as watermarked on my personal account. I just logged into the dummy account on my phone and edited and downloaded the ones I wanted to add boarders to.