Hello peeps!
94 days and 23 hours for me!
What about you? What’s your countdown? Is this your first trip, or have you been before?
Hello peeps!
94 days and 23 hours for me!
What about you? What’s your countdown? Is this your first trip, or have you been before?
7 days and some hours until my first ever trip to Orlando.
HI @Ellen1976 236 days! I’ve started making TP’s - it is scary! First trip.
Wow you are under 100 now, exciting, your FPP day will be here before you know it.
Exciting @Rommie have fun!
Hello @Quattro4 ! Hello @Rommie !
First trips - exciting! And 7 days is very close…
Do you know, I’ve never used a proper touring plan before, but I’ve been playing around with them, so maybe this time? I’d better decide on which parks which days at least, before FPP day!
TWO! 2! Dos! Deux!
I woke up excited. Really! I think this is the first time I’ve woken up excited in a long time. I was anxious a while ago, and then calm, but excited is way better!
7 weeks! Only 49 more days!
Only 8 more days!
You are almost there too - great stuff!
Aww, so glad you are excited, you are going to have the best time!
Good Morning. 215!
Hi all, no countdown yet, but thinking about when to go. So soon I will have another countdown. Just got back on Monday. BUT it was a fantastic trip!
68 days! I get to choose FPP next Sunday. Hooray!
138! And I have a very soft 188 to take my late brother’s DD20 who has never been. But we might need to delay until September. But we will do it!
One week until WDW, three days until I leave for Tampa for work!
11.5 days!!! Three generation girls’ trip.