What'd I miss? So, what'd I miss? Disney, my home sweet home, I wanna give you a kiss

I’ve been off TP for a year because I had no trip planned and I get serious FOMO seeing Liners play in the World. But BFF is up for another trip and I suddenly have a very short countdown (58)! Working to catch up here and I have all the questions.

1-Does double modify still work in MDE? If so, can someone give me a brief tutorial again? I deleted my notes from last time (see FOMO above).

2-How late can I modify an ADR if I want to do an old fashioned BSOM bump and run?

3-ADR still gets me into Contemp in an Uber in the AM?

4-I see that convention tickets still need an APR. Any data about APRs filling up now? Can I still PH before 2pm even with a con ticket that needs an APR?

5-Dining plan is still not worth it, right?

6-Dessert parties - still just cheese and crackers for savories?

Thanks, Liner friends, for helping me play catch up. You guys made me look like a rock star as usual on the last trip with BFF so I fully credit you with her wanting to go again despite having to incur the wraths of our respective families.


No, unfortunately. Sadness!

You can cancel up to 2 hours in advance of your reservation now, so you shouldn’t need to do a bump and run. If you do get to that point, you should visit the restaurant.


Rarely, usually on the day of, some parks fill up. You can park hop any time, but you just need to tap into your APR park first (or modify to the desired park before tapping in).

It can be worth it, but you’ve got to do the math for your fact pattern.

I don’t know much about dessert parties or convention tickets, so maybe someone else will have more relevant info.

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Related question - SH71 still a yummy choice for breakfast? We’re thinking steak and eggs before walking over to MK for a more chill, non-RD day.

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I’ve only been for lunch, but I’ve enjoyed every meal I’ve had there!

Awesome! Excited to check it out this time. BFF trip involves more food and beverage than family trip so I get to try new things.

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Yes to @Jeff_AZ above. For us, the 2 hour thing kind of stinks compared to the 20 minute bump and run. I tend to book “just in case” reservations (#sorrynotsorry). If it’s within 2 hours, we did have luck cancelling via MDE Chat and they waived the cancellation fee. It totally grays out and you can’t even modify within 2 hours, you have to call the dining line, visit the restaurant, or use Chat.


Correct and even less worth it with only 1 snack per day and no sharing meal credits, so lame!

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I still do this, too. I have done a true bump and run in the past at the Wave so I could walk to MK. Now I don’t like to do that because people actually WANT those SH71 morning ADRs. And I actually want to use it for breakfast, too :slight_smile:


AND apparently you can’t use leftover meal credits for snacks??? What will I eat on the plane on the way home to drown my sadness??


Re: bump and run - be cautious with this. With the new 2hr cancel rule there are reports that depending on the guard you may not be able to get into the resort lot until that 2hr mark. Meaning you may be turned around and encouraged to return when your within that 2 hrs. And then you’ll need to do one of the other cancel options.

As a rule follower myself I would recommend making the ressie for 1 person and eating the $10 as a parking/convenience fee. It seems a fair price to pay and also not bank-breaking. And then no worries about doing extra leg work to avoid that small fee.


Another point about APR-requiring tix is that it affects your VQ options - the 7am VQ is only open if you have the APR at that park. Some people on the internet advise to change your APR after getting the VQ.

I’ve been watching the park reservation page pretty closely because our tix also need APRs - some of the parks are getting “full” for Th-Sat about a week in advance. My best guess is school groups, because I don’t know what other category of non-date-based tix could have so many guests attending at this time of year as to take them all. I plan to have our reservations finalized the week before Disney updates the operating hours for our trip week. (Disney is updating on Fridays for the week that is about 3 weeks in the future; yesterday they updated hours for March 10-16.)


This is good to know! Our last trip we needed APRs and I got pretty good at the VQ hokey-pokey so I’ll do it again if needed. My BFF hated GOG and will likely be too chicken to try Tron so I might just buy the ILL for myself and skip the VQ chaos anyway. But I will make at least tentative APRs at least a week in advance.


That is good to know. I don’t bump and run contemp since the wave closed. I don’t like to take up a spot that someone actually wants (did anyone ever want to eat breakfast at the wave??). We are deciding between breakfast at SH71 then slow start at MK or RD then later breakfast. Sounds like a later breakfast ADR could potentially cause us to be turned away at the gate? That might make our decision for us. (And by we, I mean me. BFF is a perfect Disney companion because she is up for anything and along for the ride.)


I think this.

But if you’re doing an MK start why not just take the bus to the gate and avoid all that anyway?

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We used the bus last time because I don’t like to bump and run there anymore.

But I am partial to the little security check on the walk over from contemp. Have had great RD success with first car on 7D or PPF this way. Which isn’t necessary but was kinda fun. Even first bus from POP last year got me there later than Uber to contemp and walking over.

This time I’d really like to check out Walt’s hash so I think it will be a no RD day.

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When was the last time you were there?

The security check at the MK is soooooooooooo much better than it used to be!

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Was just last Feb. I agree, it has gotten so much better! But first POP bus was later than I expected (were were out there at o’dark thirty and bus driver said he was first one so I’m pretty sure we didn’t miss one). We had successful RD for 7D and then secondary for BTMRR but I had bragged to BFF (who has never done RD or Genie +/in advance FP+ when there with her family) that we were going to be first at 7D. She had never ridden it because they have not wanted to wait in the long line. I was like “come with me young Padawan. Let me show you the way”. She was appropriately impressed but I was really hoping for the flair of the first train. :rofl:


Hope it’s better than it was in June 2022 when the line was rarely unbusy.

We were late to almost every supper ADR and no CM seemed surprised or unhappy. One we were over an hour late - CM cheerfully sat us anyway.
Not meaning to say be late. My takeaway was that we weren’t the only ones.

I had modified our ADR to later - saw the confirmation. Looked at MDE again - we were back to original ADR time. Now within 2 hours. And still waiting on luggage to be brought by Bell Services. Turned out to be our best meal of the trip.

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This is us if we try to do lunch. I’m either 45 minutes early for dinner and afraid to try to fit in anything else or overly optimistic about what I can fit in and 45 minutes late to lunch. Those are my only options, apparently.