What is a Citywalk party pass?

We have “free Citywalk party passes” included with our Universal vacation package. However, the description is rather vague and I can’t seem to find any information online about it. What exactly is this party pass?

It lets over 21s into the 4/5 night clubs/live entertainment venues in city walk after 9 pm without paying the entry fee. Entry fee without it is around $5 or so and comes into effect at 9-9.30 depending on the venue. Under 21s must vacate these venues at 9 pm.

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It’s a good deal for adults who want to do some after hours partying, but mostly useless for under 21.

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Ah… well, I guess we won’t be using ours. We have three kids and haven’t really been into the club atmosphere since the 90’s, LOL! Thanks!