What do your planning spreadsheets look like?

I love seeing how people plan. Do you use a notes app list? A spreadsheet? A physical paper? I’m loving the good notes app on my iPad to plan. Here’s a sample of the week layout and the daily. It’s changed so many times. It’s like a puzzle to keep moving around.


Love this question! I am also very interested in others planning. I have tried multiple ways. (spreadsheets, word documents and even tried Canva when travelling with 3 other families - attached sample) My latest is a hard paper copy with stickies and tabs that

I can physically move around which I am enjoying.


Wow! I love your plans! Feel like I am just not that creative to use that app!


Your stickies are how we do schedules in schools. We always plan out everything on paper before we put it into the Student Management System.


Ooo I like the idea of adding the projected park levels!

The stickies are a good idea. I’m kind of doing the same in the good notes app because I can move things over as a group or one at a time with the lasso tool.

I’m going to add the park hours for all parks and the CL to mine now.


I haven’t tried good notes yet thanks for sharing


I use Excel to create a custom schedule, print it out on thick paper, and cut the days separately to take to the parks. I still like it, as you hopefully save some screen time. I was already on my phone taking pictures and timing/submitting wait times:


I also made a more simple form of the schedule in Google Sheets, shared it with the travel party, who made a shortcut on the phone home screen. I kept the important notes, confirmation #'s, & reminders here so everyone had easy access:


Love that - especially all the other tabs pre travel checklist, wait times, budget - need to try this!


I do a similar chart to your physical notes on paper. On my old desktop I used Windows to make a table into a calendar using only the data we needed - which looked a lot like your paper calendar. Kinda deja vu all over again.

Now I’m on a lap top with a huge leap forward in OS. I’ve created the calendar and am now working on blocks of time. Morning touring, afternoon resort time and late afternoon/ evening touring. With meal blocks. As I figure out how to work with the program. :upside_down_face:

Other info is park opening, crowd levels for other parks in case we’re interested in hopping differently than anticipated.

I generally have parks color coded, and slightly different shades for TS and QS meals. Usually I’ll print the calendar out for use in the parks. I can reach most info I want more quickly from the paper in my pocket than my phone’s screen, depending on how tired I am or how bright the sun is.

MDE on my phone is handy also. And I will do initial daily plans at TP here. Once I’ve gotten an idea of what can be done and in what order, we just wing it in the parks. :smile: We’re open to new experiences. And as we’ve gotten older, some of the old favorites don’t fit as well. :blush:


I use excel similar to @bebe80. I add additional tabs for budget, to dos, packing lists, notes, restaurants, etc.

I need to make a simple day by day though to screenshot and share with the family although they typically will just follow me blindly around doing whatever I’ve planned


Mine looks like a blank page. :joy:


Screenshot of my crazy planning spreadsheet… :man_shrugging:


This is my detailed sheet (that I did for our cruise) that just DS12 and I really cared to see all this level of details, but we thought it was amazing and pretty and very inclusive.

Then for DD10 & DH, I made but didn’t get a chance to print off before going, this high level day by day plans. This also helped me keep track of what pre-booked reservations I had and where they best fit. And it’s similar to the sheet I used once upon a time to do 3 FPPs pre-selections for our WDW trip in 2016 (and tried to plan to plan in 2018-20 before that went away).


I use a notebook and pen.

Starts off with the days listed down the left, double spaced. Parks added next to them. Then another page of list of evening activities, shows etc which I find the hardest to add in.

Meals are listed and are given two possible dates each, three if it’s an absolute must-do.

And then having torn out each page I try and fit it together, and rewrite it with 3-4 lines per day.

Rinse & repeat….


I no longer do any specific plans by day other than meals. I just keep track of which park and where I am staying. It’s nice to have all ADR’s, room conf#, flight info and APR’s all in one place.


Love this!


I love to see how everyone is planning!

For my DH and I, we share a Google Sheets with several tabs (sorry it’s a mix of English and French in there).

The first one is always to plan a general budget of airfare + accomodations :

Then I have a general planning. I recap crowd levels estimates, the parks of the day with their hours (we love park hopping with a little break in between), ADR’s we have to make with rough cost estimates, and estimates of G+ and ILL costs :

I also have a recap of the half days per park to compare with what we did on our last trip.

We also like to list any foods and restaurants we might try and will pick ideas depending of the mood that day :

The last tabs, they are one for each park, I list every rides, shows and possible meet & greets. My DH then cross out what he is not interested in (doesn’t mean we won’t do it though) to help me prioritize day to day.
For day-to-day plans in the parks I use touring plans and use the note section for estimate transportation, reminder of ADR’s and other activities we might want to do.


I just realized I can add my outfits as photos in good notes so now each day I can see at a glance what outfits I want to pack.


Here’s my almost 2 weeks (which I’ve just gotten back from :sob:). It has a few dependencies and can work out how much our food is going to cost etc.


This one has served me well for several trips