What Do The Young'ins Like?

Those with young adults in your family - what types of things do they enjoy at WDW. Food - especially food. Asking for (about) my 22 year old niece. I get the impression she would loathe Liberty Tree Tavern in an eye rolling type of way.
We will have the dining plan.

Restaurants I feel confident she would hate, but I could be wrong.
Garden Grill (doesn’t like LWTL)
Hoop De Doo Revue
Character Meals

Restaurants she might like:
Flame Tree BBQ
Geyser Point
Columbia Harbor House
Corral Reef

Also, what types of experiences do they like in the parks. (I could ask her, but I want to limit choices because I am in charge.) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
She was eager to ride TT, but we never did. She loved the majors - Guardians, FOP, Tron. I know every young’in is not the same, but they have trends. Like the stupid Stanley cups that are so popular. Really? :smirk:


I have two 24 year old DDs and what they like varies. One likes character meals but the other does not. They both like cocktails and lounges. And good food. They dislike mornings. They like naps.
Not so helpful I realize. :joy:


Very helpful actually. Their family is very restaurant and food centric. My niece is the youngest of four, and ever since she turned 21 they seem to have a lot of fun at restaurants and lounges.

Spot on with what I witnessed in November, and forgot about. Do you sleep in/nap while they do, or just do your own thing until they decide to get going?

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It varies. I like sleep too.:joy: But sometimes I have them meet me at the parks. I can usually manage to get them up once or twice in a trip to RD (or sort of close to it).

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They may like Trader Sam’s. It’s a fun lounge with cool drinks.

Would they like to go to Sangria University? My girls loved it.

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I don’t think there may be much of a trend. Our 19 yo when at Disney in 2022 insisted on rope drop every morning. Like FoP, Cosmic Rewind and Rise of the Resistance but also Star Tours, Aladdin’s Magic Carpet, Tea Cups and Carousel of Progress.

Does not like Cosmic Rays, does like Flametree. Likes Coral Reef, would probably not return to Tiffins. Likes noodle bowls but did enjoy the shrimp and grits at Coral Reef.

Loves character breakfasts.

Went crazy over the 3 pm MK parade in June of 2022.

Likes an afternoon break and trying to get that last ride before park closing in especially if it’s EE. Unfortunately likes those weird coffee drinks

If there’s live music, that’s a draw.

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Oh yes. Starbucks is a must.

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What about topolinos or three bridges? Haven’t been to either but they look cool.


I was going to suggest Three Bridges.

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I wanna do this, and sure she will too.

It’s so fun!!

My goal is to create a future Liner and someone who will carry the Disney obsession to the next gerneration. Out of everyone in the family - she shows the most promise. Her biggest test is learning to love character breakfasts, parades, etc. I will give her time … #indoctrination :blush:


Take her to Topolino’s for breakfast. That’s the best character breakfast and should assist the indoctrination.


Great idea! My husband even loved it. Done and done. Thank you.

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What time of year will you be going?

I revived my April trip. It was going to be a solo trip, but I invited her.
April 20-25.

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So breakfast isn’t really a thing with this kid.

Tusker House and when it was open, 1900 Park Fare had good variety.

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That’s soon!

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My DD is 20 and she loved Topolinos breakfast but food is subjective. I’d ask her what she will and won’t eat or at least the type of food she likes. She asks to go to San Angel Inn each trip. Woodys Lunchbox is a must do each trip and we actually at there three times in December–for breakfast, lunch, and dinner over two days. She also like the Ronto Wrap and we got that twice.

Honestly, the best thing about going with DD is that we get all the snacks we’ve seen on TikTok from around the parks and Epcot festivals. I enjoyed that so much more than having one TS and one QS each day. We’ve done that twice and both said we don’t think we’d ever go back to eating full meals every day.

She was willing to rope drop a few days out of our 8 in December but did much better when she got to sleep in.


I am thinking late, late, late breakfast. Last seating is at Topolino’s is 12:15.
Might leave her sleeping while I hit up a park …