Way to get Tron VQ without MK APR, ILL,or deluxe resort?

As a DLR local regular, MK is my least favorite park. I spend the least amount of time there and certainly not enough for me to go there to RD until 2pm. However, I want to ride Tron. I have a 2 day hopper for Nov and staying with a nephew. I want to do my WDW favs in each park, which for MK is PM, 7DMT, & CoP, not enough to fill 5 hours, but I also want to do Tron for the 1st time, preferably more than once per day. I’ll get the ILL, but is there any way to ride again with VQ without a MK APR or a deluxe resort stay on a late night hours day? Thrill data is showing the 1:00 VQ is gone before 2:00 park hopping time. How likely is it that I could get a 1 pm VQ by entering the park as soon as possible with 2 pm hopping the 1st week of Nov?

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No, you have to have the APR to be able to get the VQ.


You can actually enter as early as 1:46 or something very specific like that. Make sure you arrive early and are in line at the taps with plenty of time to spare so you are among the first hopping guests to get a stab at the VQ.

If you are there for Thanksgiving even this might not work. But it’s worth a try.

The other option is the Hokey Pokey, but that’s quite risky and is tough to do for Tron where you have to arrive in time.


It’s definitely possible. I did it mid May by hopping in at 2 pm, and the 1 pm queue was still open. When you go in Nov. may make a difference.

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And if you stay deluxe you can try for 6pm too if they are doing the extended evening hours at MK.

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You only need a park reservation for the 7am VQ.

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And you need to be tapped in for the 1pm, and you can’t hop until 1:45 at the absolute earliest. I don’t think anyone would suggest counting on that VQ to still be open. I’m thinking the OP is staying with a nephew that lives off site, so the 6pm VQ won’t be an option.

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Sorry, hadn’t registered that she’s staying offsite. Reading comprehension fail!

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I just did a little digging around the Guardians ride.

At about 3 months after opening the 1pm drop was typically open for about an hour. And after 6 months it was lasting up to 3 hours.

I know Tron is perhaps more attractive for several reasons. It’s a clone of a ride in Shanghai, it’s in MK and the movie (at least the original) has a cult-like following.

But at some point we’ll see the same thing as Guardians, just with longer timescales. Currently the 1pm queue is often open for 20-25 minutes. And anecdotally there are a few reports where people arrived late for their group and were allowed through without having to show their ADR receipt. It’ll be interesting to see as we get nearer to Halloween and Thanksgiving whether the demand increases again.

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Tron seems to be the opposite. Total BG’s called, BG’s called per hour, and the 1pm VQ availability have all been dropping since May/June. And the last 30 days, the 1pm VQ was open past 2:00 only 7 days.

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Any theories on why?

Well it appears they lowered capacity for some reason.


I suppose one things that might affect at least the No. of BGs called and the rate could be affected by outages. I hadn’t appreciated how much outage there is, and when it goes down it can last for anything up to 90 minutes.

Is Tron affected by rain, does it ever need to pause during downpours or lightning warnings?

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I don’t think so. I seem to recall this not being next was a “selling point” for the attraction


No it is not.

I have no data to support this theory but TRON is a PITA to load!! I’m pretty sure it takes longer than any other ride :rofl:


Even longer than Peter Pan??? :flushed:

I guess getting everyone seated properly and checked takes some time though.


Is constantly loading!


Yes but it seems slow for some reason, even though it shouldn’t be.


Could this be simply the difference in crowds for the slower months of May and June, compared to busier months of summer? Is WDW busier in July & Aug over May & June? That’s certainly the case in CA, but FL summers are brutal, so maybe that’s not the case.


It’s sort of the opposite. Busiest in late June and then crowds slowly decrease until it trickles off toward the end August.

I think the capacity / loading and breakdowns are the most likely explanation.