Similar question as to the one I had earlier this week regarding the Studios.
My current Animal Kingdom plan puts us (on a CL 8) day arriving at Festival of the Lion King only 5 minutes before start time when the book recommends a 35-45 lead time for that show.
Same with Nemo, 14 min or so before show time when more time is recommended.
Liners, what do you think of these queue times?
Here’s a link to my plan, if you’d like to take a look.
A note: This is not a “rope drop” day for us and we need to leave around 5 for a dinner res, so maybe we simply don’t have time to do it all.
I think the book is being too cautious. There’s no need to show up 30 minutes before a FOTLK show, unless you really want seats up front. The Optimizer’s default setting is 15 for most shows, 60 for Candlelight Processional.
Those arrival times are probably fine for the shows you’ve listed. Nemo has a huge capacity, and there are enough FOTLK shows that the crowds for any one of them won’t be crazy.