Volcano Bay Shade

Is this marked free shade cabana accessible during early entry? I heard not all of the park is open until official park opening.

I don’t think so. I believe it’s closed off just before that location.

But there is actually a smaller one (8 person) available here where I circled. It’s newer, so not on the map.

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During EPA you can go up on the “left side” of VB until your get to the “Oh No!” & “Oh Yeah!” Slides

On the other side you can go up to Krakatu and over in that area, but not completely around the park.

Personally, there are many shaded areas near the front of the park where I always get my spot. They’re near lockers, supplies, food and etc… (I circled in purple)

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I will add that IME there aren’t lifeguards or TMs stationed to stop you. However, the backstage area is in the back of the park. So, they’ll be walking towards you as they go to their posts and will discourage you from going forwards.

“Sir!! Nothing is open over there… You have to go around…”

I have actually walked the entire circle at EPA, but only because I was lost and didn’t pass any TMs!

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