Beautiful! I love zoos. It’s wonderful that they can take in animals from other places. Rhinos are increasingly rare. I’m not sure about them, but I think that for some species, there are more in zoos than remaining in the wild.
Our little zoo has a unique claim to fame- it took in three man-eating grizzly cubs. I’m not kidding. Their mother had chewed up one too many tourists, and they needed a place to go.
That is a bittersweet story. I love zoos as well, when done right. As a child, our zoo was a bit depressing. Large animals in tiny cages. Over the last several decades they have made some amazing improvements and have gotten rid of (in large part) the tiny cages.
Love the rhinos. I got to pet one a couple years ago and it was so amazing.
While it is true the zoos are doing a better job of making the habitats nicer for the animals, there is a downside. It seems like, more and more, when we go to zoos, we get nice opportunities to see animal habitats and enclosures…but no animals! How is it the animals always seem to know EXACTLY where to go hide out where no one can see them?
See, that is where I think our zoo is taking a cue from AK. I saw all the “big ones,” lions, tigers, elephants, 2 species of rhinos, cheetahs, giraffes, seals, etc. They appeared to be using many of the methods that were talked about when I was at AK to keep the animals where people can see them (ie strategically placed cool spots, activities, etc.)
It’s an expensive proposition to keep the animals in a good environment, the animal sanctuaries around here, apart from the main zoo, always need help. There is never enough room for bears and wolves that have to be removed from the wild, or are orphaned. They’re a ready source of Eagle Scout projects. A couple years back, we built a hammock for a bear and installed railings.
Also, if ones has a pet die as we have unfortunately had happen several times over the last year, many of these places are happy to take pet food donations. Every little bit helps!
The have a behind the scenes experience with the rhinos at our zoo. You can help feed them, the you get to eat breakfast over looking their exhibit. I am seriously considering doing this.
I would! They are magnificent creatures.
We have a similar situation with our wild cat haven. Not enough room, money, etc. for all the big cats needing help.
One of my favorite zoos is the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, they have a wonderful collection of big cats, probably among the best I’ve ever seen, especially tigers. They do a lot of reproductive & genetic work there with the tigers, since the tiger population has become so small.