Via Napoli or Tangeriene Cafe for lunch?

Which would you choose in late August? Three people have nut allergies, one has a gluten allergy. Thanks.

Tough. Via Napoli will be hard for the gluten allergy and Tangeriene Cafe seems risky for nut allergies. I wonder how separate the baklava is at a counter service? Do you have a preference for Table Service vs. Counter Service? That would make a difference. Are those the only two your group is interested in?

Those are the two main ones we are interested in. We also have ADRs at Chefs de France, Coral Reef and Restaurant Marrakesh. We really enjoy schwarma and Italian food, so either would be great. CS would be easier with our meal plan (already have an extra TS), but if VN is a lot better, we could pay OOP.

If choose Via Napoli as you already have one meal planned in Morocco. They have several salads the gf could eat.

Good idea @sarasue8. It seems like Via Napoli is something special. I’m sure Tangierine Cafe is very good, but it sounds so similar to Mediterranean food you can find just about anywhere. I also think a shared pizza at VN can come our to about the same cost out-of-pocket as 4 CS meals elsewhere.