USB ports on Disney buses?

I’m doing a solo trip in September where I have park hoppers and plan to RD and then close the parks, with no plans to return to the room. That is about 12 hours in the parks and I really don’t want to carry one of those batteries around all day. I seem to recall there being USB ports in Disney buses. Since I’m park hopping, I’m thinking that I could take a USB charging cord and plug in during my park hopping bus rides to at least get a few percentage points of charge.

Does anyone know for sure if the buses have those USB ports? Do they all have them? And do they actually work?

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I know that the newer buses have them, but no personal experience.

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If you bring the cord, you’ll be able to use it, IF you’re on a bus with the outlets.

Saw this on one bus in May. Didn’t think to try it. I do carry a cable. But then, I also carry a portable charger about the size of a lipstick.

What brand of charger do you have?


We were there the last week of July. We only saw this on maybe 25% of the busses we rode over the week? They worked but again, it wasn’t every bus.


I only noticed it on the bus we sat in the back, up the steps.

Usually sat right up front.

Just be aware public usb ports can be hacked. I’d buy a portable charger instead. I always use a block to plug my devices in!

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I never plug into public USB ports, but I also carry a charger and extra battery (location-based gamer). You can also buy charging cables that won’t allow for data transfer. My old B&N nook had such a cable.