Unobtained LLs

Hello, I just did my first plan. It came up with a window that says Lightning Lanes Unobtained. We will have LL but don’t have it yet so I get why this could come up. What I don’t understand is why were there only 3 rides listed here when there are other LLs to use on additional rides?

Secondly I added reservation for BBB at 915 am. I put in the duration of 75 min. I did not allow for any change to time in reservation. It put it at 12:28 pm. How did this happen and how do I correct it so that everything else lines up correctly in order, etc.

We are going to royal table after BBB at 1015 am. Same thing - it moved it to 1:44 pm.

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I don’t think the software is adequate when you let it pick your LLs. They just need to tweak this. I seems like it grabs the minimal you need to fit everything in your day. I would manually enter them as expected.

I haven’t seen the message you speak of but I have only tried the software picking my LLs a couple of times. Can you share a screenshot of the message or share the plan?

For the next part, did you move steps around and then evaluate?


Thank you. Yes i could come back and add my initial LLs once i know them. And then try for LLs near where we are in the plan I create, I suppose after that?

Here are screenshots of both where its booking BBB and breakfast at the wrong time, and the LL alert.

If i move the BBB/brekfast than the software probably isnt working for me in linkng up rides near where you’re at I assume.

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I try to make a plan with not LLs. Then see where the initial 3 fit best. Generally you can get something close (remember tiers). I’ll add those in and make a plan based on priority to get the rest. I add likely ones in and then make small shifts till I like it. There’s an LL thread that has the priority list for each park.

Do you have any steps that the software says you can’t complete? If not, try removing all LL info and make sure you have using LL switched off. Then optimize. It should steps that are timed where they should be.