Universal now requiring an IAC card for special ride access

I’m not even sure they care about people cheating except how it impacts their bottom line.

I love our Disney vacations, but do I for a minute think anything I experience was there purely for my enjoyment or mostly for someone’s profit?

We’ve had numerous magical and amazing experiences because of particular CM’s choices. Based on directives they’ve received.

Is that what this is?

IBCCES created the Accessibility Card (IAC)


I’m not quite as cynical as you but I agree people cheating probably impacts their bottom line in various ways, including making other guests wait longer and therefore have less satisfaction with their trip.


I’m amazingly cynical for an optimistic person. Prob only exceeded by my skepticism. :face_with_monocle:

It’s likely part of my charm. :smile:


You’re right, I posted it in the wrong forum! I’ll leave it to our mods to move it if they want to.


I have moved it, just to avoid confusion and because I know we have users who don’t even look at the WDW forum, only Universal.


So here’s the deal…as soon as I uploaded the letter from my physician, it automatically provided the card. There doesn’t seem to have been any verification whatsoever. And it doesn’t seem like this is the end of it - it looks like I still need to go through explaining why I can’t stand in line:
Important Information
• The sole purpose of this document is to pre-register you as an individual who may need accommodations.
• This is NOT a ticket and does NOT grant you access to any attraction. You will still need to purchase a ticket for admission.
• This document does NOT guarantee you any benefits or accommodations. All accommodations afforded to individuals are at the sole
discretion of the attraction.
• Please present this document at the guest services desk upon arrival for details about what accommodations may be available.
• All posted rules and regulations for the attraction you are visiting still apply.


So you’re saying this is more theater - a means of deterring people who will not be able to get documentation. Great. The world needs more of this.


Do you think this process is aligned with providing a school or work-based accommodation?

It could be. I know I needed a letter from my pedi for my son’s 504. And then we talk accommodations. Just seems silly to have a separate company if you will do the same thing when arriving at the park.


We often provide work place accommodations and generally a doctor’s letter is provided. Then, we work with the employee to identify exactly what is needed. For those following, that could mean anything from a mini refrigerator in a classroom, a window air conditioner, or limiting the need for outdoor duties at certain times of the year as common examples.

If they are accepting IEPs they should be accepting 504s for children.


I think the difference here is that school and work are required by law to provide accommodations so documentation makes sense.

It feels so excessive to need to do this for accommodations at theme park experiences


I’m having a tough time with this one. While we are very fortunate to have never needed accommodations anywhere.

I started out with the thinking like @OBNurseNH. Why make people that already deal with so much jump through all these possibly anxiety inducing hoops.

Then I told DH about what was going on and his reaction was “good, they are cracking down on the cheaters so those who really need it won’t have to compete with them”

:woman_shrugging: I don’t know how I feel now. Hope we hear from more that need it about how the process was for them.


But I don’t think it’s as pervasive as people think. And, I think there are legit people who could take advantage of it who don’t (and who would be even more turned off by this) - so I think it balances out.

I honestly have never had a time when I felt my experience in a park (admittedly, just WDW parks) was impeded by someone cheating the system. Even the line jumpers - who I can see cheating - annoy me but then the moment is gone and I have a great time anyway.


I guess I just look at it as documentation for accommodations are routinely provided in other areas for many (not all). Of course I am also influenced by the people I know that have routinely taken advantage of the system.


I think this is going to influence many people’s opinion. While I know a handful of people that qualify for special assistance and accommodations, I know of more that abuse the system.

I really don’t see this as a huge issue personally. People that has special requirements are seeing a doctor I’m sure. It may take some time but it shouldn’t be a problem getting a letter. And should definitely be able to fill out the online form. I will add that I think Universal should have an alternative for people that do not/can not get this card. This should only be a way to make the process easier and more convenient.
I don’t know about this 3rd party though. Are they a private organization?


I actually prefer them asking for documentation. It just so much easier to ask my doctor, who sees me regularly and knows the ins and outs of my obscure (or ‘orphan’) disease, to provide me with a letter explaining what is needed as opposed to me explaining it to someone with absolutely no medical experience.


Also, I do not believe this will stop folks from feeling people are gaming the system. The number of folks who have said something about me using my handicapped placard (with my picture on it - I don’t use the sleeve on it because I lost it) when I ‘don’t need it’ is absurd.


I believe the card gets properly verified about a week after, the card you get is a temporary one. The application can still be declined.


People are so quick to judge. If a person doesn’t fit their idea of “handicapped” then they may be cheating.

I wonder how mamy complaints Universal gets about cheaters. And they’re not cheating. They really do need the assistance.

I agree with this. I would definitely not avail myself of their system if uploading the letter weren’t enough. To then still have to wait on another line and answer more questions is unacceptable. Maybe even illegal.

I haven’t been to Universal but I can say there’s no ride at Disney that I’d jump thru all these hoops for.


I don’t see that on the card anywhere? Just has an issued and expiration date.