Universal Express Unlimited wait times increase

Does anyone know why the wait times would increase for Fast & Furious and Jimmy Fallon after changing my touring plan option from ‘None’ (wait times for non-express lines) to having ‘Universal Express Unlimited’?


I don’t really find the universal express times to be accurate honestly. 1 min waits aren’t long enough for rides like the mummy where you have to get a locker and there is a line for that that express doesn’t help with. And last time we did Fallon with express we did wait about 15-20 min which is what it says when you have express. But the regular line was the same. That ride in my experience you do not need express for at all but you will have some small wait. Fast and furious wasnt open last I checked. But when we did it pre-covid, express didn’t help much here either as it didn’t really have a long line. I think people know it’s bad. I mean it’s really bad and my hubby even likes the movies and he didn’t like it. Teens to grandparents and all of us were making jokes the rest of the day about it being our favorite and who wants to go again. Lol. But I think the express times in general are off. I don’t base my plan on this. I plan to wait about 15-20 min per ride and do my plan based on that for scheduling meals and shows.


If you share a screenshot or link to your touring plan before and after, we might be able to see what’s up.


Here is the touring plan with the no Universal Express selected (‘None’):

Here is the touring plan with Universal Express Unlimited option selected:

Every other attraction seemed to have decreased wait times with Express except Fast & Furious and Jimmy Fallon.

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It could be timing, with the express you enter the park and arrive an hour earlier even at Gringotts than without so demand may be higher.