Universal Express Pass - Don't skip this line?

What queues are so awesome that you should do the regular line to see them and NOT use an Express Pass?

Previous versions of the Unofficial Guide have said that the queue for Forbidden Journey should be seen. But now that the Express Pass line uses the old Castle Tour line is there anything a big HP fan would miss when using the Express line?

Are there any other attractions at either UF or IoA that it’s worth going through the regular line instead of the Express line? I believe MiB was mentioned before. What about Skull Island?

I can’t speak to the Express Pass lines, but the lines that I recall being interesting, although not necessarily “must not miss”:

  • Gringott’s
  • Forbidden Journey
  • The Mummy
  • Men in Black
  • Spider-Man

It is attention to detail in those that is impressive to me, although I’m not sure it is worth necessarily waiting in a long line just to see any of them.

Skull Island was just dark. In fact, in the two times we did it, the first time through the queue it was so dark that I had to feel my way. There were times I literally couldn’t see two feet in front of me. I think this might have been a mistake on the part of Universal, however. The next time I was in line, it wasn’t nearly as dark, so I could make my way through without much issue. But there wasn’t much to see that I can recall.

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If you are an HP fan, do the regular line through FJ at least once. You do miss portions of it in the EP line. I don’t think you miss anything amazing in Kong, other than the scare actor, which for many is a good thing. You don’t miss anything in Gringotts, except sometimes the option to have your picture taken, but you can always ask to jump into the picture line and then get back into the EP line. If a line is short enough for Mummy, you could do the regular line for that one, though I wouldn’t wait a long time just to see the extra detail. It’s not all that incredible.