Universal Addict's Very Merry Grinchmas & Jolly Birthday


Say hi to Rick. He’s live streaming in IOA. He’s at the Hulk now, but imagine he’ll be headed to Hogsmeade later.


Well look at that :smile:


I’m all done in Hogsmeade, but HE is a 45 minute wait to go back.

I saw Kong was posted at 15 so exiting IOA via Jurassic Park…maybe we’ll bump into each other at the JPRA splash zone where he hangs out often


He’s currently in Toon Lagoon Waterfront


Saw both Hogsmeade shows. I’m still wearing my birthday button (after all the trouble it took to get one I think it’s fair!! :rofl:)

I was at the front of the stage of the Frog Choir show and really into the songs. So at the end the gave me a special “Happy Birthday!” shout out. It made my day!!

Did all the spell and helped a few parents get their kids wands "working "

I’m planning on going back to CBBR to get my bags now that the room is ready.

I’m at Kong. The “jump scare” tribesmen screen in the queue is working. I’ve never seen it in action. This is a bad picture, but the queue was moving. I would’ve gotten trampled by a mass of people if I had stopped for any longer! :rofl::rofl:

@bebe80 - I have been scouring the crowds for Yellow shirts & hats!!

Kong is posted at 15 minutes. From my experience of where I am now in queue that should be accurate


He’s still in Toon Lagoon at Ripsaw

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There ya go!

@bebe80 I even got you a shout out!



I heard it!

I’ll try to post the clip


My ride on Kong was so unpleasant! The squeezed me in between 6’ 5"+ person and a 300lbs person. I couldn’t see anything and was in so much misery being squished the entire ride…:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I know filling capacity is important, but just because a row can seat six doesn’t mean you should!

Ok…I’m done venting! :rofl::rofl::innocent:


I’m so glad this wasn’t working when I took my four kids on it. :flushed: :rofl:


I guess I wasn’t done venting because there was no wait at Guest Services.

I VERY politely explained the Kong situation and how hard it was to get a birthday button. They gave me 10 Express Passes! Five of them are good on Hagrid’s & VC (Ruby)

I didn’t ask for them or anything. I was only there so that the Ride Lead at Kong would make sure it didn’t happen to someone else because the TM should be trained better. It’s the former Ops attendant in me that doesn’t like experiencing what I know shouldn’t be happening.

They are a feedback based company and if you are nice when you talk to them they’ve always made it right for me.


Wow! And, yes, it’s sad that you have to teach common sense…I hope it really makes a difference to someone coming after you!!


That’s exactly why I did it! I hate to be a “complainer”, but they can’t fix what they don’t know about


Exactly. A mature manager/controller appreciates the feedback–evidenced by the reward they gave you. I wouldn’t want something like that happening under my watch.


We rode Kong on Sunday via the express line. The posted wait was 15, but it seemed like they were taking everyone from standby into the loading area… and then taking a few people from express. I guess it was opposite day!! It was probably the 4th or 5th time this past weekend where express saved only a few minutes compared to standby with a posted wait of 20 minutes or less…very weird and a little frustrating. In the future I will try to say something…looks like it pays off!!


Play clip to hear Larry talk to Rick! :grin:


You’re both famous!!



Amazing! :rofl: Love it.


I got my bags from luggage services and unpacked before Emily arrives.

I was able to use the “hack” I saw posted in the Disney forums to “unlock” the thermostat to get it cooler than what it “thinks” is 65°F

Booking a family suite was $75 / night cheaper than a standard room. It’s cute, but tight on space for a suite. I do love the bathroom set-up with 2 sinks and separate toilet

It’s in the Thunderbird section and has an exterior door. It feels like a shorter walk than where I have stayed before each time. (Americana) There’s no science to back it up.

The hotel’s holiday decor is all silver tinsel. Which is my favorite. I know some people don’t care for it and prefer red & green

The sun is setting so I grabbed a hoodie as there’s a chill tonight. I’m off to get a Hagrid’s night ride and maybe see the Castle Projection Show.

After, I may try to get some dinner & the birthday dessert I couldn’t fit in my belly last night.


I always like a challenge! That’s two RixFlix videos I’m a Star in! :rofl: