Ugh. Someone else plan my trip for me 🤣

I weirdly just can’t find the motivation/inspiration to plan our next trip but our 60-day mark is fast approaching. So if you feel up to it, plan my trip :rofl:

The Details:
Dates- 12/9-15 (approx 11am landing MCO and 7pm takeoff)
MVMCP- 12/12
Resort- Pop Century unless a sweet DVC deal pops up or I win the lottery I don’t play.

Traveling Party-
Me (will be approx 28 weeks pregnant with number 3 upon arrival)
DS 2.5 (def 36” hoping for 38” by the trip)
DD a couple weeks short of her first birthday (egg/peanut allergies and we avoid all nuts just in case)

Touring style- we have never taken a “rest day” in our lives. Babies means early rising but not necessarily able to get out the door first thing so EE will probably be hit or miss. We may or may not do a midday rest (though it’s more likely on EP/HS days due to Skyliner). DH and I have been a ton and don’t plan on rider swapping since I can’t ride most things but I told DH he should ride GotG once for the holiday experience (ILL) and I must ride Soarin’ once if it’s still Cali. Probably plan 1 TS meal/day no preference on what meal of the day though. Probably only want/need a half day total at HS to accomplish the few rides the babies can go on.

A couple “magical extras” we’d like to incorporate: Harmony Barbershop toward the beginning of the trip for a haircut for the 2.5yo. He had his first cut there in April and is due for another cut.
Capture Your Moment in MK probably a double session early morning for family photos and baby girl’s cake smash. Probably needs to be toward the end of the trip to be able to snag 2 morning sessions.
And maybe an Epcot R&C fireworks reservation since the new show starts just before our trip.

Feel free to ask questions if that wasn’t enough info :upside_down_face::sweat_smile::joy:



Our only trip with a pregnant person was with one who was just entering her 3rd trimester. We weren’t prepared for needing a wheelchair. Tho I’m thinking the June timing had much to do with the lack of stamina.

We had planned to swap out coaster time for resort touring. Another thing maybe better done in December. :face_with_spiral_eyes: The resort touring did work but how much better with Christmas to look at.

Park hoppers?

We changed up our touring completely when my cousin and her DH joined us one trip. Her first and he hadn’t been in 30 years. Neither could handle coasters so I planned a more retro, vintage Walt trip. Thankfully they could do Pirates. They’re early risers. Animal centric.

It was fun planning a different kind of touring.

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Oh, yeah, we have APs so hopping is totally a possibility. Also, this is not my first trip while pregnant :crazy_face::rofl: went when I was 24 weeks with our oldest so I’m pretty comfortable touring decently pregnant.

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And please, feel free to suggest fun additions. We love “magical extras” and we probably won’t go back until new baby’s birthday in Feb/March 2025 so happy to add a little extra magic this trip :slightly_smiling_face:

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And winter helps.

I’m going to see what I can find of my notes for that vintage Walt trip, tho it was 2013.

My sister and I are in the World the first week in December. So far we’re thinking our trip is less ride centric than previous trips. Altho DS said recently “there’s no telling what my mind will decide once we’re on property” :upside_down_face:


Two highlights from when my kids were really little are the Disney Jr Dance Party show in HS (chaos and cuteness and seating on the carpet so perfect for toddlers) and Rafikis Planet Watch in AK (such a sleeper hit as it was not crowded and multiple Wilderness Explorers stops to try and see if your oldest likes that). Enjoy a slower pace and all the toddler magic on your quad-moon (making up a term for babymoon when you already have 2 kids lol) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congrats! I didn’t know you were pregnant again.

Thank you! It was quite the surprise, we found out the day before DD turned 6 months :crazy_face:


Come on… no one wants to plan my trip for me? :crazy_face:


Very possibly we did. :blush:

Plans don’t look the same as they used to. :wink:

Oh, right. Park reservations.

Those are a must. sigh

This is a must for me currently as well.

Also not done yet. :grin:

And park reservations require tickets

Now a priority must do for me . . .