Uber or Lyft or does it matter?

This sounds like a weird question, but I don’t use these services that frequently. On our next trip to DLR, we are staying offsite and I don’t want to drive. Normally we drive into town, but I don’t want to on this trip. I don’t need a ride to and from DLR, but mostly around town. I plan to do some shopping and eating around town.

Does anyone have a preferences in the area?

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I usually book whichever is cheapest. Sometimes there is a really big difference. Just recently we needed a ride from SNA to the Disneyland Hotel, and the price difference was huge. Uber was around $45 and Lyft was like $80. I’d just check them both.


The other thing to look at is the wait time. In Orlando, there appear to more Uber drivers so often the wait is shorter. I mostly go by price, but have found myself waiting longer for Lyft. I am not sure what the case is in LA and Anaheim.

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In the last 10 yrs I’ve used only Lyft. Not a fan of Uber’s policies or their owners views. Not that I can say Lyft is 100% pure I just prefer them and 100% do not judge anyone who takes Uber :blush::heart:


I completely get it. I detest the gig-economy and I have actively avoided using either of them, but last month I was a bit stuck and realized, I needed to start considering them. I downloaded the app and discovered that the price for the uber/lyft cost about the same as using the public bus. Why am I fighting this? sigh

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Sometimes its even less than the bus. I think ART is $4 each way. I just turned 54 at the beginning of April and I have never learned to drive :flushed::roll_eyes::rofl::rofl: It makes me nervous and I definitely shouldn’t be behind the wheel. The bus has always been my friend. All my real friends hate my friend the bus :rofl: but I get to see soo much entertainment on it while only paying $52 a month. I can’t wait until I turn 62 then I only pay $22 a month. Lol.